What a real Easter Bunny is – IOTW Report

What a real Easter Bunny is

Finding Easter in Bunnies and Baskets.

Real Easter bunnies:

  • are white as snow because Jesus takes all sin away (Isaiah 1:18b).
  • are gentle, kind-hearted and forgiving (Ephesians 4:32).
  • have big ears that are quick to listen (James 1:19).
  • have big eyes to look carefully and choose what is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21).
  • have no voice for complaining or arguing (Philippians 2:13).
  • are quiet in prayer, but hop with thanksgiving and rejoicing (Philippians 4:4-6).
  • have big feet to go tell others about Jesus so they can be like Easter bunnies, too (Matthew 28: 19-20).
  • eat what is healthy by filling up on God’s word every day (Psalm 119:11).

More at the link above.

31 Comments on What a real Easter Bunny is

  1. This morning my wife has a very good talk with the girls before they went looking for eggs and chocolate rabbits. She explained that the usual Easter trappings, like Christmas, have absolutely nothing biblical to do with Christ and the saving Gospel of grace. As long as they know that, Easter is nothing but a harmless tradition they have fun with for a few minutes on one Sunday morning a year.

  2. Thank you for that article about bunnies. Perfect for Easter Sunday and great counter the the bad news of the day. Happy Easter to all the IOTW readers!

  3. Finally, someone ISN’T bashing little bunnies on Easter. I think that the bunny tradition is perfectly sweet and harmless, especially when applied like this. Growing up I always knew that it was about Jesus and his sacrifice, and I always would cry out of gratitude [and a little bit of guilt], I understood the gravity and the joy of it. But the bunny part just was so much fun, turning around what the secular world intended for evil into good, THAT’S something that Jesus would do.

  4. When my daughter was around five we stopped by the local feed store on the Saturday before Easter and I got her an Easter Bunny, cage, food, etc. Well the woman helping us is like, “Oh what a great father” yada yada yada. Then she asks my daughter what she’s going to name the little bunny and my daughter looks up at me and I say “How about Hoss”. My daughter like OK. The woman helping us is looking at me like she’s got a Charlie horse in her brain. So I explain to her “It’s short for hasenpfeffer”. Got a big OMG on that one. LOL

  5. Well that’s it then. If Fur won’t do it I will. Saturday September 9 we’re having a meetup in Port St Lucie.
    How much fun would that be? There are a few tolerable hotels there and everyone is on their own regarding transportation, accommodations meals, but the first round of drinks are on me.

    Y’all are delightful people and we really should do some face to face time. Internet is cool. But we could seriously have some fun together. Just an overnight

    Any takers? Somebody has to take the initiative and nobody has so so far. I’ll keep researching accommodations and will forthwith decide upon a gathering place September 9. Let’s get this put together. It’s time.

  6. @PHenry….I would serious consider this, but really, I’m a former blue collar grunt living small. Who would want to associate to me?….I live in a town of 50 people and they are starting to avoid me and I appreciate that cuz I ain’t sure I like them much either…

  7. That’s the whole point of it, Gruff. Normal conservative people bucking each other up and celebrating our normalness without apology Just for a night of fellowship and to put faces to names.

  8. I will add that some of my dearest, closest friends met through an Ace of Spades meetup 8 years ago. One was USMC Daryl, who stayed at my home last weekend.
    We busted some caps in the side yard into my shooting range, then attended a Richmond Tea Party and ace of Spades meetup, then returned to the compound for some fire ring discussions while enjoying cigars and bourbon.

    Internet is cool. Making life long friends is priceless.
    Btw. The dude is deadly with a pistol from 25 feet. Center punched the hell out of the target. And then we drank and discussed history and politics until 2am.

    So my point is, you haven’t yet met your best friend yet.
    The IOTW meetup will be your first introduction. Trust me.

  9. @PHenry…maybe another destination?….NASCAR comes back to Kansas city on October 22nd….great BBQ and blues….It would be a 2 or 3 day event/vacation….I’m not currently being paid by the chamber of commerce. That’s a disclosure that they made me sign…LOL…

  10. I’m in, I just wish it wasn’t so far from home. Can we make a golf tournament out of it. I’m not planning on winning, but they can be fun. Maybe a fishing derby, or alligator wrestling?

  11. I agree that Port St. Lucie makes it difficult for many, but I figured that BFH wouldn’t come unless it was local for him. Maybe someplace near Atlanta, which is the Delta Airlines hub, would be better. I’m open to suggestions. KC confuses me. Is that in KS or MO.

    No matter what, it has to be in a red state. Nobody wants to spend money in a blue state.

  12. This is just stupid and an example of everything that is wrong with Christianity. The “Bunny” and eggs are pagan fertility symbols. They have nothing to do with Christianity. When you assign biblical verses to pagan symbols you do a great disservice to both. When you anthropomorphize animals in the process, you are just being stupid.

    are white as snow because Jesus takes all sin away (Isaiah 1:18b). RACIST!!
    are gentle, kind-hearted and forgiving (Ephesians 4:32). Bunnies are animals. We have no basis to believe they are kind or forgiving.
    have big ears that are quick to listen (James 1:19). Bunny ears are for cooling the blood, not for listening.
    have big eyes to look carefully and choose what is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Bunny eyes are no bigger than any other animal eyes for mammels that size.
    have no voice for complaining or arguing (Philippians 2:13). Bunnies do have voices and they can use them.
    are quiet in prayer, but hop with thanksgiving and rejoicing (Philippians 4:4-6). Bunnies are animals, they don’t pray.
    have big feet to go tell others about Jesus so they can be like Easter bunnies, too (Matthew 28: 19-20). No matter what size their feet, they have never told anyone about Jesus.
    eat what is healthy by… Stupid vegan propaganda. Meat IS healthy for humans.

    The Bible does not exist to have random verses cut and pasted to back up silliness.

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