Muslim Chechnya Putting Gay Men In Concentration Camps, Liberals silent – IOTW Report

Muslim Chechnya Putting Gay Men In Concentration Camps, Liberals silent

American Lookout: Liberals in the United States have been spreading false rumors for months that Trump and Pence were going to crack down on the gay community in some horrible way. Of course, no such thing has happened in America.


In the Muslim controlled country of Chechnya however, gay people are actually being placed in concentration camps and liberals have been largely silent.

The Daily Mail reports:

Chechnya opens world’s first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler’s in the 1930s where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.


13 Comments on Muslim Chechnya Putting Gay Men In Concentration Camps, Liberals silent

  1. American faggots will never know about this because it’s not being covered by the MSM. And, as all good libs will proudly proclaim, if it’s from the internet it’s not true. Perhaps it’s time to send a plane load of gays to the middle east so they watch homos being tossed off roof tops? Make it a twofer; send gay professors.

  2. It’s the communists’ game plan: The newest group of destructive tools is used to destroy the oldest group of destructive tools, when the oldest group is no longer of use.

    Sorry, fags, but the left is done with you. You served your purpose. They’re going to feed you to the muslims, now.

    Hey, feminists – you’re next. You’re going to literally be slaves to people that think you’re worth less than a diseased goat.

  3. The global Left has gotten about all the corrupting mileage they’ll get from homosexuals. Ditto feminists. Biggest bang for their buck on further weakening the West?

    Mohammedans. The more fundamentalist [consistent, hateful, violent], the better.

  4. SIGH … they’re not “gay” they’re perverts.
    Obviously moslem trumps pervert.
    Right now, moslem trumps everything – pervert, negro, mexican, doctrinaire socialist, …, you name it.
    The things that make up the LSM are scared: They know that the negroes, the mexicans, the perverts, and the doctrinaire socialists won’t kill them – but the moslems, most assuredly, will.

    Sometimes cowardice speaks louder than words.

    izlamo delenda est …

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