Identity Politics, Progressive Hobbyhorses and Marginalized Terrorist – ‘The March for Science’ – IOTW Report

Identity Politics, Progressive Hobbyhorses and Marginalized Terrorist – ‘The March for Science’

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: The “March for Science” is being organized by activist scientists and radical environmentalists opposed to Donald Trump’s policies and proposed cuts to federal agencies. The organization behind the “March for Science” tweeted the Trump administration’s bombing Islamic ISIS fighters in Afghanistan is “an example of how science is weaponized against marginalized people.

The march’s Twitter account also sent out a ridiculous re-tweet lamenting the bombing by radical activist Zellie Imani of the Black Liberation Collective,  a group of students dedicated “to bringing about freedom and liberation for all Black people”   It has since been deleted. March organizers have been racked by infighting over how much the event should emphasize diversity and gender issues. (??)  Some march leaders have resigned over disagreements.  read more

9 Comments on Identity Politics, Progressive Hobbyhorses and Marginalized Terrorist – ‘The March for Science’

  1. March organizers have been racked by infighting over how much the event should emphasize diversity and gender issues. Some march leaders have resigned over disagreements.

    Diversity and gender issues are of vital importance and simply must be addressed properly. It is bitterly disappointing to see that not all the march leaders feel this strongly and so have not yet resigned.

  2. For too many years these scientists haven’t even had to snap their fingers to get hundreds of thousands $$$$$ . As long as they said Global warming, the money poured in.
    Theyr’e Shitting themselves now, how will they pay for their Hawaiian Villas now !. They hope you feel good and guilty for screwing up the Scam !

  3. TO Uncle Al

    Don’tcha *get* it?!?
    That’s the BAAAAD “science”…not the REAL Science!
    That “Fake Science” believes in actual male/female genders!
    REAL Science believes in Climate Chaaaaaange(“Oh boy! Bring me more crushed ice for my Margherita!”)

  4. Are these people for science or against science? Or both, depending on whatever issue is important to them? Besides, I don’t think progressives interested in gender issues would really want to promote actual science.

  5. Most “government science” needs to cut and be stopped. It has gotten horribly politicized and too many people are using taxpayer dollars to not help make better and more productive decisions for society, but to enrich themselves and promote a left-wing communist political agenda. They think they have an entitlement to the taxpayer’s money. Trump should put Michael Savage in charge of NIH.

  6. I want to see THESE signs in the “March for Science”:
    — “GMOs are harmless”
    — “DDT prevents malaria and saves lives”
    — “Nuclear power eliminates carbon emissions”
    What else should be added?

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