Attorney argues Alex Jones ‘playing a character’ in child custody trial – IOTW Report

Attorney argues Alex Jones ‘playing a character’ in child custody trial

WaExaminer: A Texas jury will decide if Infowars’ Alex Jones on-air persona makes him unfit to have custody of his three children with ex-wife Kelly Jones.


“He’s playing a character,” attorney Randall Wilhite told state District Judge Orlinda Naranjo, according to the Austin-American Statesman. “He is a performance artist.”

Kelly Jones, who is seeking sole or joint custody of their three children, argued at a pre-trial hearing that her ex-husband’s fiery public persona is no different from his private life.

“He’s not a stable person,” she said. “He says he wants to break Alec Baldwin’s neck. He wants J-Lo to get raped.”



13 Comments on Attorney argues Alex Jones ‘playing a character’ in child custody trial

  1. So, in an admittedly awkward court context, Alex Jones’ own attorney says his show is an “act” and he is “a performance artist”, not an authentic investigative journalist, or exposed of government secret ops, or whatever.

    Does this mean INFOWARS is officially “Fake News ™?

    Does this mean everything he says is just a “character” speaking, like Stephen Colbert?

    Didn’t Glenn Beck adopt this “just an onscreen charachter” loophole when he embarrassed himself? And didn’t Keith Olbermann try it as well?

    Inquiring minds.

  2. It’s his job to be fiery.

    Would the courts hold lawyers to the same standard – they can be deceitful and despicable.

    What about soldiers who are trained to kill?

  3. He’s like Neal Boortz, who proudly admitted being the #1 BS artist on radio. You can never be sure what they actually believe, and what incendiaries they’re just throwing out there for ratings.

  4. Never listened to the man but if this is a typical nasty divorce case the wife is going for complete custody so that she can hang visitation rights over his head and along with custody comes lottsa dough (and family assets) for child support. The lies coming from both sides (or to be charitable, the dissembling) reaches epic proportion with the wife always holding the edge in divorce court. That’s not meaning to say that this guys boned because if the Judge decides the wife is lying to the court she may just decide to hang her out to dry but that’s a bit of a long shot.
    To be fair though there are plenty of times where the wife is at a disadvantage because she hasn’t been able to hire the same type of a cutthroat lawyer her husband did because he froze/his the case. That’s a dangerous game as well as the judge could decide to make an example of him. Divorce court is just a not nice place at any time.

  5. Last month Jones issued an apology for Infowars’ role in perpetuating the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory, which ties Hillary Clinton to a child sex ring.

    Now we know why he apologized

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