Federal judge blocks bid to bring back anti-police painting on Capitol Hill – IOTW Report

Federal judge blocks bid to bring back anti-police painting on Capitol Hill

FOX: A federal judge has blocked efforts to bring back to U.S. Capitol grounds a controversial painting that depicts a police officer as a pig.

David Pulphus, a student artist from Missouri, and Rep. William Clay, his Democratic congressional representative, had sued Architect of the Capitol Stephen Ayers for removing the painting in January amid a showdown with law enforcement groups and Republican lawmakers who opposed the “art.”

U.S. District Judge John D. Bates said in his decision that the government has used its editorial discretion in the selection and presentation of the piece.

As a result, it’s engaging in “government speech” and the plaintiffs have no First Amendment right to display the painting.

Leah J. Tulin, a lawyer representing Pulphus and Clay, says they are likely to appeal.

The painting appeared to show a pig in a police uniform aiming a gun at a black wolf holding a sign that says, “STOP KILL.”

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4 Comments on Federal judge blocks bid to bring back anti-police painting on Capitol Hill

  1. Last I heard, the thing was still hanging in a tunnel under the Capitol. It needs to be gone from there. Doesn’t that new Museum of American Blackness want it for their Ferguson wing?

  2. That Museum won’t take it. Why, you may ask?
    The Museum Board won’t split any proceeds.
    The ‘artist’ knows getting money out of a Sharpton or a Jackson ain’t gonna happen.

  3. What’s the problem? All ya need is a young and clueless SJW whining to a professor that she is triggered. A hundred Federal Agencies will rain hell on those who don’t want this useless piece of trash cut into rolls of toilet paper.

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