This diet may not completely work, but it will slow you down – IOTW Report

This diet may not completely work, but it will slow you down

h/t Jon K

8 Comments on This diet may not completely work, but it will slow you down

  1. There are days that I would like to lock up my chocolate stash. Speaking of which, I just discovered chocolate espresso beans at my daughter’s over the Easter weekend. Yum.

    She gave me a stash to eat on the way home, but warned me that if I ate all of them, I might not sleep for four days.

  2. I once had some chocolate covered coffee beans. Had about a handful or so. Maybe 2 handfuls. Didn’t really put 2+2 together until it was too late.

    My sinuses opened wider than they ever had been and I encountered a higher plane of consciousness never before experienced.

    I may well have been levitating for a few minutes, it was surreal.

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