Kim Jong Un- The model of obesity management – IOTW Report

Kim Jong Un- The model of obesity management

Sweatin’ to the Totalitarian Oldies: Olympian/MP candidate lauds 2 national anti-obesity paragons.

Michelle Malkin: **Written by Doug Powers

Here’s an athlete and aspiring British politician with a “glass is half full” attitude. The downsides to living under a totalitarian regime — forced labor camps, brutal oppression, scarcity, unannounced visits from Sean Penn — are obvious, but the visionary can spot and appreciate an upside: You lose a few pounds:

Olympic champion James Cracknell has fired the starting gun on his bid to become an MP – but his race has started shakily after he praised North Korea’s approach to tackling obesity.

A UN report released last month revealed damning statistics showing nearly half its population is going hungry due to food shortages.

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12 Comments on Kim Jong Un- The model of obesity management

  1. Hey, don’t forget about the exercise. 16 hours a day at forced labor, combined with sawdust and gravel for dinner is a fun and effective way to keep off those unwanted pounds.

  2. I was watching the news today. It seems that President Trump really fucked up again. He told us that a Fleet of ships were headed toward North Korea. Whereas the fleet was heading in the other direction. Holy shit! CNN, I hear, had a huge picture on the movement, and so did Schep Smith on FOX. It was amazing. The media showed us where the Fleet was and where it was supposed to be . Trump was off by 2500 miles. What an idiot.
    I just wonder why we have to put up with these idiots on television.
    Have any of them served in the Military? Not that you have to have served in the Military to be an American, but have any of these idiots ever studied history? They seem to think that Trump is addled. He doesn’t know where his Navy is. He’s an idiot.
    I ask you my friends, do you really care where our Navy is, where our Marines are, where our Army is, where our Coast Guard is, where our Air Force is? Do you really care? As long as these people, these Americans, are well fed, well equipped, well trained ,and well paid, I don’t where they are. None of my business. We don’t want to know shit like Joe Biden telling the world that Seal Team Six took out Bin Laden, and have 17 of them killed within a month.
    And we don’t need to know that a manager at Mc’Donnal’a held up the killer of three people, yelling Ala ackbar, Because that poor manager’s life may be in danger now. The media sucks , big time
    Sorry for the rant, but I am PISSED OFF.

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