Chaffetz announces he will not seek re-election – IOTW Report

Chaffetz announces he will not seek re-election

FOX: Rep. Jason Chaffetz, the outspoken Utah Republican and influential chairman of the House oversight committee, announced Wednesday he will not seek re-election in 2018.

The conservative lawmaker, who’s been in Congress since 2009, confirmed the decision on Facebook.

“After long consultation with my family and prayerful consideration, I have decided I will not be a candidate for any office in 2018,” he wrote.

Chaffetz, a longtime fixture in Utah politics, has hinted before at potentially running for governor in 2020, and his announcement could be the first step toward that goal. He also has faced an early Democratic challenge for the House seat.

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14 Comments on Chaffetz announces he will not seek re-election

  1. Bye, Utah.
    in other republican news…
    Darrell ISSA a McCain TurnCoat?
    He will not allow budget cuts to the State Department.
    This is the Department he called Criminal.
    Embeds everywhere. Swamp creature exposed.
    How long before he backtracks this one?

  2. Trump ought to call them out on this. Be specific and be blunt because I suspect that Trump was elected not because he was running as a Republican but despite it. If Issa did say no cuts to State then he better be prepared to cross swords with Trump. Amazing how many of the Republican firebrands are turning out to be a sputtering match.

  3. The corruptocracy continues to stink like shit in a swamp. It would be interesting to see a list of DC politicians that are really making an effort to help Trump clean up and drain the swamp. I’m trying to think of one……..there is at least one isn’t there?

  4. I heard Chaffetz’ floor speech at the Utah State Republican Convention, when he challenged Rep. Cannon. I was in Cannon’s suite (he is a nice guy and a was a very capable congressman, but he took one for the team when he supported comprehensive immigration reform). It was awkward.

    Chaffetz was electric that day. He had the crowd in his hands. He said all the right things and was filled with a palpable charisma. I couldn’t help thinking, however, that the energy he was channeling that day was not founded in ideology but rather he simply deeply resented Cannon being in his way.

    Chaffetz made the cut that day and forced Cannon into a primary, which he own, then went on to win the general election. His performance as a congressman seems to have confirmed my assessment on the day of the convention. He is driven by his personal ambition, more than anything else. Never put confidence in the man. He will always disappoint — well, unless you are Freedom Works.

  5. Just guessing, but with Trump in the WH, I think being a congressman isn’t as lucrative as it once was. Too much transparency. He’ll probably run for guv, though, if politics is all he knows.

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