Maxine Waters: Impeach Trump to stop border wall – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters: Impeach Trump to stop border wall

American Thinker: Fresh off claiming she never called for Donald Trump’s impeachment, Maxine Waters told a Los Angeles crowd on Tuesday that the president should be impeached so the border wall can be stopped.

Speaking to the Westchester-Playa Democratic Club at an LA church, Waters defended illegal immigrants, saying America is “their country.”

[…] “I’m hoping and praying that this wall will never be built, and if we impeach him, we know it’s not going to get built,” Waters said as the audience laughed and clapped.  read more/watch all the stupid

33 Comments on Maxine Waters: Impeach Trump to stop border wall

  1. Just imagine the profound collective stupidity of the people who populate this woman’s district. Yes, she’s painfully stupid – but she’s getting elected to office by people who think just like her. Yikes.

  2. VietVet, these idiots are so stupid they still believe if they can impeach Trump and get him out of the White House that Hillary will then become President. And I’m counting the honorable (/sarc) Representative Waters among those idiots.

  3. funny the democrat party has shrunk so small as to make this woman the talking head of it.

    obviously schumer or pelosi are not as well spoken and confident in their off the wall proclamations.

  4. What would be some good James Brown adaptations for Maxine?

    Papa Got A Brand New Hag?

    The Big Payoff

    Night High Speed Rail

    It’s a Cisgender’s, Cisgender’s, Cisgender’s World.

  5. I know Ms. Waters is Madea level curzy. But that doesn’t mean “The Wall” is a good idea, just because some off their meds, on their self meds, refuses to be evaluated for meds, bus stop screecher is against it. Have you ever tried lifting something over a wall, even a dainty 3 meter wall, with a dozer blade?

  6. hmmmmm…. how’d that work out?

    Lemme think… no conviction and it drove the impeachers batshit over the moon insane for years.


    h/t Forever Crisp

  7. When are they going to start entrapping members of Congress again? Just have someone representing themselves as big business needing cheap labour trying to build support for a bill to stop the wall and offering a above board campaign donation and a second, under the table cash one for her support. Old Maxine would snap that up faster than her husband snapped up the illegal loan that she got for his bank.

  8. Hell yes. Set up some video bribery stings on these corruptocrats.
    Waters, Schumer, Perez, Warren.
    Get them on video, the DoJ brings Federal felony charges (forget ethics committees) and put them away.
    Win-win. And it will be unforgettable video (“Damn mofo b—ch set me up” said Mayor Barry, through a Meth haze).

    Bury these people with life sentences.

  9. Some smart ass talking head should ask her what that means, exactly, and for what, exactly.

    And if she can muster enough votes in the House for Impeachment and enough in the Senate for conviction.

    What a fukkin retard – I’ll bet it’s just a word she overheard somewhere – prolly from Peaches and Herb …

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. I will be happy when they start treating the mentally ill instead of encouraging and validating their peculiar brand of crazy.
    keeping them away from the rest of us wouldn’t be bad either.

  11. Poor things would be forced to deal with “people they don’t know, systems they don’t understand” as well as they understand the U.S.’s welfare system, food stamp system, illegal voting system, free education system, plus all the other free shit that isn’t available in their miserable home countries.

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