DNC leader slams Obama: ‘Responsible’ for 2016 failures – IOTW Report

DNC leader slams Obama: ‘Responsible’ for 2016 failures

As Democrats are still searching for their first win in the Trump era, party leaders have the knives out for Barack Obama.

Democratic National Committee deputy chairman Keith Ellison blamed Obama for the party’s numerous defeats in 2016.

Go See @ American Mirror.



16 Comments on DNC leader slams Obama: ‘Responsible’ for 2016 failures

  1. So is this a case of the kettle calling the other kettle black or the pot calling the other pot black?

    Ellison is still pretty young so he has the potential to suck as bad as Obama did and does.

  2. democrats are racists

    from their racial low expectations to their affirmative action, they prove their long held ideas of superiority and they espouse them to all us rednecks each and every day.

    funny the same people who point out white privilege are the same ones who talk as though privileged.

  3. This ought to be interesting. Ellison is the right color and religion for those oh so very trendy liberal democrats who supported Obama when he was just the trendy right color. Were they wrong then or are they wrong now. I hope this starts a jihad within the party. Hell, it may not and for the very first time in Obama’s charmed and privileged life he’ll be thrown under the bus. Maybe he and Hillary can hold hands under the bus while it huffs and puffs merrily along.

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