MSNBC Asked For “Hate Crime” Stories – IOTW Report

MSNBC Asked For “Hate Crime” Stories

“If you have been the victim of a hate crime or witnessed someone else being attacked, tell us about it here,” MSNBC tweeted on Tuesday.

They got Tweetnesses, but not the kind they were hoping for.

15 Comments on MSNBC Asked For “Hate Crime” Stories

  1. The student body of UC Berkeley, heck – the whole town of Berkeley CA, is a hate crime just sitting there. If you’re not tolerant of the exact same things in the exact same way as they are, they hate you and won’t tolerate you. In a non-judgmental way, of course.

  2. Lefties still Asking the Internet 8-ball, still getting wrong answers.

    They say the Dems are always catching the GOP flat-footed, but don’t the mentally ill always catch the sane off-guard? I’m sure Malia’s SS detail was not expecting her special suitor.

  3. when they say hate crime they mean caucasians committing crimes against minorities.

    they have to ask for examples because when they look at the crime statistics that do get published the fudged numbers still show that it happens only rarely and then it’s highly questionable.

    if it happened as often as they claim they wouldn’t have to to solicit for stories.

  4. Elite Marxist Academia against morality
    Elite Marxist Academia against white, heterosexual males.
    Elite Marxist Academia against Families
    Elite Marxist Academia against Christianity
    Elite Marxist Academia against Capitalism
    Elite Marxist Academia against true & factual science
    Elite Marxist Academia against Truth & integrity
    Elite Marxist Academia against Police
    Elite Marxist Academia against the US Constitution
    Elite Marxist Academia against Freedom

  5. Woot! The left probably considers it a hate crime that Sarah Palin, Ted Nougat and Kid Rock were at the white house meeting with Trump! They aren’t Bouncy, Jizz-E, or Orca!

    Nice to see some real talent roll through the House.

  6. I see a lot of hate directed at white male Christians. Of course, MSNBC is blind to this because it does not support their narrow bigoted narrative.

    Hey MSNBC, as a major contributor to the Fake News Media, you have ZERO credibility and I do not listen to any of your crap.

  7. this might not be a “hate crime” But I hate it when people take their time walking across the street in the crosswalk- or when the person in front of me at a check out line doesn’t have enough money to pay their bill and the checker says I will need to deduct those items and put them back in stock- or when I take my dog out late at night to piss-she just walks around sniffing at stuff and never goes piss. or when the phone rings late at night and its some robot caller that says- Oh hello I was adjusting my head set-:( and the list goes on——
    Hate crime? Yep— I hate it all.. good night.

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