Police ambush 10-year-old autistic student with arrest at school — 6 months after classroom incident – IOTW Report

Police ambush 10-year-old autistic student with arrest at school — 6 months after classroom incident

EAG: OKEECHOBEE, Fla. – A 10-year-old student with autism went in to Okeechobee Achievement Academy on Wednesday to take a state standardized test, and he left in handcuffs to face criminal charges stemming from an incident six months ago.

Luanne Haygood told WBPF her autistic son, John Haygood, was expelled from Okeechobee Achievement Academy last fall and forced to complete work from home after he allegedly kicked a paraprofessional at the school.

During the October 27 incident, Haygood was allegedly being disruptive in class and hitting other students, so the teacher told him to take a timeout. A police report from the incident alleges he attacked the teacher and left scratches when he refused and was forcibly removed from the classroom.

“I know what happened six months ago,” Luanne Haygood said. “I never seen an arrest report, I never saw the charges. I just know what was told that he may or may not press charges.”

After months with no follow-up, the boy returned to the Academy on Wednesday after school officials requested he take a state standardized test. Instead, police ambushed the child and hauled him off to jail. more here 

15 Comments on Police ambush 10-year-old autistic student with arrest at school — 6 months after classroom incident

  1. whatever. There is something wrong when you get a mother of a 10 year old who has some disability who gives a huge sob story in the media about the evil pigs being unjust to her son. maybe they had put up with enough BS and got fed up. whining about injustice in the media is for losers. I call bs

  2. This is horrific. I have a high functioning autistic grandchild who has struggled with schools. He is what they used to call Asperger’s — extremely bright. Teachers think that because he is so smart he should understand all the necessary social cues and nuances that come so naturally to most kids. Now they lump all autistic kids into one category — from completely non verbal up to savant level genius. When these kids don’t know how to respond to a situation they generally resort to fight or flight. Many a child has bolted from the classroom or playground in an attempt to escape what they simply don’t know how to handle. It may seem better than kicking the teacher or overturning the desk but sometimes it happens at a school miles from home and safety. I have heard the heartbreaking plea of this child when moving to a new school “maybe I can make a friend there”. Just because these kids don’t display emotion or display it inappropriately does not mean they are not feeling pain and loneliness. I pray that the medical profession and schools learn the source of this disorder and more importantly, how to respond and teach these children in a positive way.

  3. yeah. horrific. a real one sided sob story. just sayin based on the one sided presentation. reminds me of fair and balanced 60 minutes. it’s real easy to believe the sob story. the foundation of the democratic party- instead of hearing both sides

  4. It is low to wait 6 months for repercussions for a disadvantaged kid. Apprehended via an ambush. Cause why, he kicked the teacher? Something stinks rotten here. Rotten as Hell. Why did they call the kid in – just to bust him? This stinks. I don’t like it. Not one bit.

  5. “Ambushed?” GMAFB.

    However, maybe a manner in which to force good Mommy to respond to the court, school, or juvenile probation for guidance.

    The “reasonable time period” has long past, not to mention the age of child regarding a ‘simple battery’, and this is how it culminated? There’s WAY more to the story than what is being related in the article (I hope and suspect there is).

    Why wasn’t Mommy dearest following up? As a responsible parent, wouldn’t you do that. This comes at a complete surprise to her?

    Terrible what happened to the child, but I’m calling major BS on Mommy dearest.

  6. jpm,

    Living in California I’ve seen some pretty fxcker up shxt with zero tolerance Crap. If it were in California the cops had no choice, it would have been purely driven by the school board.
    About 10 years ago here someone thru a blanket party for a damn Nazi Vice Principle. Could have been kids, could have been parents, could have been LEO. He quit after that.

  7. There is a new movie out right now called Gifted about an extremely bright little girl who is a mathematical genius who her Uncle and guardian Chris Evans of Capt. America fame is raising by himself in Florida. I won’t say more except that it is a very good movie which I went and saw today and I highly recommend. Between the spunky little girl and her one eyed yellow tabby cat Fred who plays an important part late in the movie it’s a great movie and a keeper. And the scene in the hospital where her Uncle Frank takes her to cheer her up seeing the joy of new parents waiting for their new children and grandchildren is nothing short of inspirational and full of joy. Her grandmother however who wants her to be a genius while her Uncle frank wants her just to be a kid makes for a lot of tension in this gem of a sleeper of a movie. I’m a sucker for these kind of old fashioned feel good kid movies which I will buy when it comes out on DVD.

  8. Like most news stories, it is difficult to separate the BS from the facts. Everybody in the news has an agenda, an ax to grind or a name to make.
    Who, what, when, where, why with questionable facts from one party and not the other. Journalism is dead (that is if this is journalism).

  9. You need to take a HARD look at the D.A. here too. He’s the one that approved this. Our DA thinks the answer to managing young people is to get them in the “System”. Claims to be SF, a Ranger. LEO thought a lot of him when first elected. Now, not so much. Got in line behind him at the local coffee shop last summer. He’s talk. Wearing a freaken S&W Shield on his belt. With NOBADGE. Yes I did bust his ass. Some LEO are now telling me he claimed to be a Seal. I don’t like the guy.

  10. Bad_Brad, din’t you get the email? There’s Navy SEALs EBBYWHERE now!

    But if you send me the identity of him, I can verify for you through
    a retired SEAL if he’s legit.

  11. I didn’t know that. I just don’t get it how he can play Capt. America and be such a Trump hater. Jack Kirby, the creator of Capt. America would kick his ass. Gifted is till a good movie, I just wish all these actors would just shut the hell up about their political belief, they’re just making themselves look like fools and the American people are fed up with their hatred of what was (and still are) traditional American values.

  12. Today’s World Net Daily has an article with a picture showing a naked Chris Evans holding Donald Trump’s severed head with a young hellary all wrapped around Trumps lower torso. It’s a painting by a professor in Alaska. I agree with David Horowitz, the left is totally unhinged in their hatred for Trump. Geez Louise you would think it is like Herod after they cut off John The Baptist’s head and brought it to him on a platter, that’s how much they hate Trump.

  13. Autistic kids need adults who understand. It’s a real thing, not more victimology BS. They get overstimulated if there is too many hassles at once – add some puberty and snotty teenagers(and crybully trained teachers) to the mix, maybe some family problems. They are likely fun to tease, for a dependable blowup.

    There are many videos on youtube about autism, many by the kids themselves. Understanding is important, many difficult people may just need the autism treatment – don’t overstimulate, don’t crowd, don’t interrupt when they are focused, don’t STAY mad at them.

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