DOJ issues ultimatum to NYC and other ‘sanctuary’ cities – IOTW Report

DOJ issues ultimatum to NYC and other ‘sanctuary’ cities

NYP: The US Department of Justice on Friday gave New York City and eight other local governments that provide “sanctuary” to illegal immigrants until June 30 to prove they’re not violating federal law by refusing to cooperate with immigration authorities.

The ultimatums from President Trump’s administration were accompanied by an accusation that many of the targeted jurisdictions are “crumbling under the weight of illegal immigration and violent crime.”

“New York City continues to see gang murder after gang murder, the predictable consequence of the city’s ‘soft on crime’ stance,” the DOJ said in a news release.


14 Comments on DOJ issues ultimatum to NYC and other ‘sanctuary’ cities

  1. Speaken of Cali, Kevin DeLeon, the piece of shit that thinks it’s fine for his many illegal relatives to commit identity theft said this.

    “It has become abundantly clear that Atty. Gen. [Jeff] Sessions and the Trump administration are basing their law enforcement policies on principles of white supremacy — not American values,” Senate leader Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles) said in a statement. “Their constant and systematic targeting of diverse cities and states goes beyond constitutional norms and will be challenged at every level.”

    I hope Trump starves this state to death.

  2. What’s a real pisser is that my local sanctuary city honchos says they are low on funds for the police and need property tax and sales tax hikes. If they weren’t spending so much time and money arresting illegals only to let them loose, they would have plenty of funds for law enforcement. And they wouldn’t need 50 more officers if they just let ICE deport the bad guys.

  3. @Uncle Al: The headline is wrong, but the first sentence in the article corrects it by saying, “The US Department of Justice on Friday gave New York City and eight other local governments…”.

  4. If it weren’t for shitty lazy people, and
    rampant vote fraud, there might be less sanctuary
    cities. They get what they deserve. Put all of the
    illegals in their “cities” and cut off all federal

  5. @Vietvet – Yeah, yeah, I’m picking at a tiny anemic nit, but we’ve got national, state, and local govts. CA isn’t a local govt.

    Sorry. I wish I didn’t notice errors like that except when I’m being paid to proofread.

  6. Proof reading. Wow. Some of us conservatives work with our hands and don’t spell all that good. I hear the left consists of highly educated people that spell perfectly and use proper diction. I think a few of you are in the wrong place. You sure wrecked a good thread.

  7. Awesome!! That is Jeff Sessions putting the screws to the criminals like debloward and rahm that run our big cities. Trump’s best cabinet pick. “this is the Trump era.” “Do not come here.” I love that guy

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