President Trump Weekly Address – April 21st 2017 – IOTW Report

President Trump Weekly Address – April 21st 2017

Conservative Treehouse:

President Trump delivers the weekly address from the White House for April 21st 2017:

[Transcript]  My Fellow Americans,

A new optimism is sweeping our country as we return power from Washington and give it back to the American People, where it belongs.

For too long, American workers were forgotten by their government – and I mean totally forgotten. Their interests were pushed aside for global projects, and their wealth was taken from their communities and shipped across the world, all across the seas.

My Administration has offered a new vision. The well-being of the American citizen and worker will be placed second to none – and boy do I mean second to none.

Since Day One I have been fighting for the hardworking people of this country – and this week we took historic action to continue delivering on that promise.

We did so in one of the many proud industrial towns of our nation – Kenosha, Wisconsin – with the men and women of Snap-On, who make American tools for workers around the world. They were there, and they loved what they heard, and they loved what they saw.

In Wisconsin, I signed an Executive Order to Buy American and Hire American. I took historic action to ensure that Federal Projects are made with American Goods – and to keep American workers and companies from being cheated out of contracts by countries that break the rules and break every regulation in the book to take advantage of the United States. That’s not going to happen anymore.   Continued

3 Comments on President Trump Weekly Address – April 21st 2017

  1. Looks like we got a real no shit American in the White House
    now. That is refreshing.

    On another hand, our gubner is in a major fight with USCIS
    and H-2B visa waivers wanting cheap labor for federal contracts
    out here. He’s losing so far, and it’s funny. We’ll see how it
    turns out.

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