Professor Says Male Student’s Paper Was So Triggering She Had Trouble Distinguishing Him From Her Rapist – IOTW Report

Professor Says Male Student’s Paper Was So Triggering She Had Trouble Distinguishing Him From Her Rapist

Heat Street:

A feminist professor said she was so triggered by a male student’s paper that “I began to have trouble distinguishing him from the man that [raped me].”

Writing anonymously in Inside Higher Ed, the professor described a lesson on rape culture she included in her gender class, saying she was frustrated with male students skeptical that it exists.

But one male student’s paper left her “thrown back into a pit of traumatic, fragmented memories,” she wrote.

The student cited a men’s rights advocacy group, referenced a case where a woman raped a man, questioned whether feminism was relevant, and said that concerns about gender inequality were overblown.

The professor thought the paper was not well sourced, and that the argument wasn’t sufficiently supported. But that wasn’t all.  more

18 Comments on Professor Says Male Student’s Paper Was So Triggering She Had Trouble Distinguishing Him From Her Rapist

  1. I stay confused. One minute I’m being told that women are exactly like men, the next I’m to believe that merely presenting a different opinion is tantamount to rape…that the “fair sex” is completely defenseless.

    So we’re to believe that women in combat is an idea whose time has come?

  2. There certainly are a lot of emotionally disturbed professors teaching. I feel sorry for the students. They won’t learn a thing unless they seek out information themselves. What a waste of money.

  3. Assuming she was actually rape raped and not just raped, what did she expect assigning a study on rape culture?

    Apparently she was expecting her very own personal thoughts to bounce around an echo chamber in the minds of everyone else.

  4. This student now needs to demand that any of his work now be mixed in with four others from the class, anonymized and marked by a different professor because this teacher can no longer be trusted to be fair in her grading. If the school declines this remedy the boy gets a good lawyer. Well of course if the administration suspends the teacher and makes part of her re-instatement a course of psychiatric help that probably a good idea for all concerned.

  5. Part of this is indeed Feminism encouraging women to identify as weak and crazy and generally unfit for any role outside the safety of their bedrooms full of cats.

    Part of it is her intentionally building a carefully staged case for psychological Disability.
    Note how she frames this as being “unable to work ” due to her 30-years-ago rape PTSD.

    Chances are there’s a generous disability provision on one or more of her state contracts. Plus state Work Comp.

    This is feminist attention seeking, with a payday.

  6. I went to Columbia Business School in the late 1980’s, a nice, young Mormon boy in the big city. One of the classes I was required to take was a ‘communications’ class. My professor happened to be a Hispanic woman. Although I didn’t know about triggering then, I must had triggered the heck out of the poor woman! Within the first week she told me that because of my background she knew that I was a misogynist. She about had a stroke when I asked to miss class about mid-semester to attend the funeral of my grandfather in Utah. She told me that if she had been a male professor I wouldn’t have missed class for the funeral…….all these years, and I haven’t mended my ways.

  7. How exactly would this dumb broad know what her rapist “would” say? Did he give a speech to her while she was being raped? It’s speculation. In all likelihood, she wasn’t even raped, she probably got kicked by the hot guy on campus way back when, then the next morning felt guilty and screamed rape to save her reputation.

    All she is doing now is trying to justify a failing grade to a student who gave a succinct and accurate argument to hers. She’s upset because a student didn’t automatically fall in line with her gynocentric bullshit.

  8. If she was raped, it must have been with an ugly stick. As for Trigger, if she was hoping for a stud he died before Roy and I think Mr. Rogers and Dale had him stuffed. No trigger for you…oink,oink.

  9. Every university curriculum has general education requirements which include at least one of these useless courses. The object is to get through these courses with a minimum amount of effort and discomfort so one can concentrate on learning useful things, with an eye towards getting that piece of paper that says you are a college graduate.

    I listen to students who complain about these types of professors and their courses quite frequently. My advice is to figure out what they want to hear, then reguritate it back to them. Of course you won’t really learn anything, but you are not likely to learn anything anyway and you don’t want to harm your GPA. And you are learning to bullshit someone until you can jettison them from your life – which is a useful skill in and of itself.

  10. Every university curriculum has general education requirements which include at least one of these useless courses.- Wyatt.

    This is true. My advice to people is to take the course over the summer. Be through it in 8 weeks instead of 16.

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