Tulsi Gabbard Gabs On About Her Research into Impeaching President Trump – IOTW Report

Tulsi Gabbard Gabs On About Her Research into Impeaching President Trump


“Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) told a townhall that she was doing her ‘homework’ on impeaching President Trump. She made the comments Wednesday in Hilo, Hawaii.

“’On issue of impeachment, I am doing my homework,’ she told the crowd, but offered a caveat given what would happen if the proceedings were successful in ousting Trump from the Oval Office.

“’I am studying more about the impeachment process. I will just say I understand the calls for impeachment, but what I am being cautious about and what I give you food for thought about is that if President Trump is impeached, the problems don’t go away, because then you have a Vice President Pence who becomes President Pence.’  MORE

29 Comments on Tulsi Gabbard Gabs On About Her Research into Impeaching President Trump

  1. 1. You need High Crimes or Misdemeanors while Trump has been in office (like in the last 100 days).
    2. As Left Coast Dan says, first you need a Dem House of Reps.
    3. Then, to remove from office, you’ll need a Dem Senate, too.
    (Bill Clinton was impeached, but not removed, by the Senate).
    All the “homework” she does won’t counteract the fact of 1,2,3 above.

  2. Im going to cut her some slack. She couldnt say “get a life; the Rooskie charge was to keep you idiots distracted from the fact that the dem’s are complete losers”. Otherwise the lunatics in the audience would have set their hair on fire and rioted.
    She needs to switch parties..too good looking for a Dem.

  3. This all about looking appealing to her base. All about getting re elected. But she’s pissed off the Libs and now she’s pissing off the Conservatives. Nobody will want to work with her.

  4. What a twat. It’s kind of hard to believe that Hawaii is actually a state and not just a movie set. If Trump wants to have some fun have his SecDef request a discussion paper about moving the Pacific Fleet from Hawaii to San Diego. The steam produced that comes from the ears of all the lefties would make the island energy self-sufficient.

  5. I hope they all call for his impeachment. Start today and keep it up through the 2020 elections. As if pink hats and ultra violence isn’t enough to keep new members away, their actions will hardly sway anyone’s support from Trump.

    Loonville, USA

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