RUSH: If Media Were Just 30% Less Partisan The Democrats Would Be In DEEP, DEEP DOO-DOO! – IOTW Report

RUSH: If Media Were Just 30% Less Partisan The Democrats Would Be In DEEP, DEEP DOO-DOO!

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9 Comments on RUSH: If Media Were Just 30% Less Partisan The Democrats Would Be In DEEP, DEEP DOO-DOO!

  1. The Media is the ONLY reason the Democratic party exists….were it not for the modern day PRAVDA along with the indoctrination centers run by the Teacher’s UNION, there would be no one in the Democratic Party.

  2. I havent listened to this yet but I have heard Rush say before that the Dems are an arm of the media and not the other way around. Makes more sense, a progressive liberal media has been weaponizing the Dems against conservative values for years. Probably explains why Blue Dog democrats are rarer than a living T-Rex. Paul Joseph Watson talks about the industrial military complex all the time. Far more concerning and terrifying is the industrial media-social media complex that the progs have near complete control…

  3. 30%? They’re beyond the precipice of the doo doo as it is with no Whitehouse, Senate, House, and way less than half the state legislatures and governorships. If the media were 5% less Marxist they’d be done.

  4. There’s a bubble brewing longer than all bubbles,
    the housing, credit card, auto, student loan?
    Nahhhh, Nawwww…

    MEDIA! BOOOOOOM! (insert mushroom cloud)

  5. I get to listen to Rush for a few minutes most every day. he was good yesterday. I have not always been a fan but I think he finally has woken up about the third world invasion. I esp enjoyed his comment yesterday about the invasion in France when he said “legal, illegal, what difference does it make….” BINGO. If you have 5000 Somalis plopped down in public housing down the street, legal/illegal really isn’t very important, who cares. No more immigration to the West. Let China and the middle eastern countries pick up this incredibly stupid “white man’s burden” for a few decades.

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