Canadian loophole: Special Gun Rights for Muslims?! – IOTW Report

Canadian loophole: Special Gun Rights for Muslims?!

Faith Goldy of went online to renew her Canadian gun license, and noticed an exception to the usual regulation requiring a photograph, citing religious exemption. She contacted the RCMP here’s what happened.


18 Comments on Canadian loophole: Special Gun Rights for Muslims?!

  1. After we put down the big Muzzie revolt, as armed citizens, it’s imperative that we track down these civil servants that tried so hard to put us at a disadvantage and hang them in the public square.

  2. Amos: Could you ever imagine a country more FUBAR than America ruled by a muslim homo colored man with a fake ID ??

    Andy: Why sure, Amos. That would be Canada ruled by a Breck girl with a smores for a brain.

  3. During that battle, 90 percent of Libtards will die running out to shield Muzzie from our bullets with their bodies. They will be shot in the back from the very animals they try and protect. A bonus.

  4. When it comes to the left you must assume the worst. Because they lack the numbers as well as the “manly” men they are bringing in male immigrants as an invading force.

  5. Don’t these idiot appeasers READ, watch a news cast, or gather information on the effect APPEASEMENT has had on Europe?

    Dang, you don’t even have to know history, to know what APPEASEMENT of HORDES OF BARBARIAN INVADERS accomplishes.

    IT’S alive and growing right in our own back yards. Look at the poor FL senior who got beaten by a barbarian invader!

  6. It has occurred to be that the brutal punishments meted out in Muslim countries might be justified. It may be the ONLY way to get their attention and make the stifle their barbaric actions.

    Hmmm, maybe that is why the mullahs are allowing the abuse women and children, and animals. They are protecting themselves?

    Whatever the barbarians want in their country, fine, but we MUST stop appeasing the horde of barbaric invaders.

  7. The left and muslims have historically always sided with each other because of their mutual enemies – christians/jews/western culture/constitution/parliament.
    The left totally understands the damage/rape/murder/theft being done by muslims and wants it to be done.
    It is very similar to the statement “A radical muslim wants to kill you. A moderate muslim wants a radical muslim to kill you”.
    In the west it is very similar: “A radical muslim wants to kill you, a liberal will take away your guns and knock in your door so that a radical muslim will kill you”.

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