NYT editorial board accuses Gorsuch of sending a man to his death – IOTW Report

NYT editorial board accuses Gorsuch of sending a man to his death



Well, that’s a slight overstatement. But not by much. This is what the Times editorial board–a ragtag collection of third-rate leftists–tweeted:

So Gorsuch “sent a man to die.” The editorial itself is only slightly less over the top:

[I]t’s worth paying special attention to Justice Neil Gorsuch’s vote late Thursday night to deny a stay of execution for Ledell Lee, an Arkansas man who was sentenced to death in 1995 for murdering a woman named Debra Reese with a tire thumper.

After Justice Gorsuch, along with the four other conservative justices, denied his final appeal without explanation, Mr. Lee, who maintained his innocence until the end, was executed by lethal injection.

Twenty-two years after he was sentenced. Liberal judges have made it almost impossible to carry out a sentence of capital punishment.

That 4-to-4 split effectively gave the deciding vote over Mr. Lee’s life to Justice Gorsuch, sitting in a seat that by all rights should be occupied not by him but by President Barack Obama’s doomed…

Doomed. For melodrama, you can count on the Times editorial board.

…nominee, Merrick Garland.

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13 Comments on NYT editorial board accuses Gorsuch of sending a man to his death

  1. The NY Times is a loathsome, leftist propaganda rag, and the scumbags working there are treasonous liars who deserve to be harassed whenever they venture out in public.

  2. Of course they’re pounding him; It’s part of the tenderizing process. It’s how we end up with squishy Kennedy and wilting Roberts. But Gorsuch can withstand the barrage of Two-Minute Hates he’ll be getting until the next vacancy, and he has no need for the approval of the DC Cocktail Circuit. He’ll be fine.

  3. “… deny a stay of execution for Ledell Lee …”

    What about the other guy?
    Don’t he count?
    Arkies had a two-fer … so was the other guy the white one?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. So there’s weeping and gnashing of teeth by the Libsnots about capital punishment yet they celebrate the murders of pre-born children via abortion? Makes perfect sense….🙄

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