France: As Fillon Switches to Macron, Many of His Voters Break for Le Pen – IOTW Report

France: As Fillon Switches to Macron, Many of His Voters Break for Le Pen

American Thinker: The French voted on Sunday to elect their president and their verdict came like a thunderbolt, marking their desire to turn the page on their big traditional parties .

The two candidates to go into a run-off in a fortnight are Emmanuel Macron – the globalist candidate who claims to represent both the right and left, and Marine Le Pen, the nationalist candidate who refuses to be defined by right or left.

With the nominal conservative, Francois Fillon defeated, it was the first time in the history of the Fifth Republic instituted by Charles de Gaulle that a large right-wing party was not represented.

But the real bombshell occurred when Fillon announced he would vote for Macron, moments after the results were out. He cited the fight against the extremist course that Le Pen represented as his motivation.

The man who, not so long ago, mockingly called  Macron “Emmanuel Hollande” or “Hollande’s towel holder,” was asking now for his his fans to rally behind him? In doing so, Fillon also revealed his true colors and proved he was, in fact, a globalist, even though his version of globalism was softer than Macron’s and could have represented a real alternative to Le Pen, had the establishment not mounted a defamation campaign against him.


9 Comments on France: As Fillon Switches to Macron, Many of His Voters Break for Le Pen

  1. Fillon is just more of an incrementalist. Same objectives as any Globalist. Just in smaller bites. Creeping Globalism. No compromise with the left. It all adds up to defeat for the Conservatives. There can be no compromise, that is what got us here in the first place. “Reasonable compromise” BullS4!t!!!

  2. Fillon was always the false choice, the Jeb Bush of the race.
    Like Trump, LePen must fight the entire entrenched French Establishment. Including the entire media, which lies about her as outrageously as the MSM here lies about Trump. And for identical reasons.

    She’s their last hope. God save France, and may God be with LePen and the French.
    They’ve been endlessly betrayed by their Leftists in government ever since the 1930s.
    The Left surrendered to Hitler, collaborated from Vichy, abandoned France’s struggling colonies, collaborated with the Soviets, and now have turned to the Islamists to finish the job of destroying France.

  3. France or Globaloney-ist obscurity?
    France or Frangistan?
    France free or France enslaved under Sharia?

    Seems like a slam-dunk to me, but then, I’m not French …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. This is a man who married his teacher who is 20 years older than him (she seduced him at the age of 15). She “made” him who he is, according to him. Another leader who is easily controlled by outside forces.

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