Too stoned to riot – IOTW Report

Too stoned to riot

How To Restore Free Speech on Campus.

Weekly Standard:

The recent campus rioting against unpopular or conservative political views is awful, but I have discovered the solution—by accident.

We have all seen numerous campuses riven by violence and a refusal to permit speech that does not comport with the current lefty line. This has happened recently at Middlebury, the Claremont Colleges, and of course—and most violently—Berkeley, which remains mired in a dispute over letting Ann Coulter speak.

Last week I spoke at Berkeley—and there was one protester. Actually he was more of a heckler, of the sort I’ve often encountered. He marched in the 1960s, his ponytail is now gray, but he still wants to interrupt and shout his views about Salvadoran “death squads” and unfair treatment of everyone from Fidel Castro to the Sandinistas. I would have been surprised, under normal circumstances, to find only one heckler at Berkeley.

Earlier on the day I spoke at Berkeley, I had spent an hour over at Stanford’s Hoover Institution with my old boss in the Reagan years, George P. Shultz. Shultz is now 96 but still entirely with it, and he told me “if you don’t get rioted at Berkeley today, your reputation is ruined.”

But I have seen the future and it works. I spoke at Berkeley on April 20—which turns out, unbeknown to me, to be famous as “420.” For reasons that are hotly disputed, 420 is now code for marijuana. Each April 20, pot smokers on campuses across the land gather to celebrate. Wikipedia, which is never wrong about such subjects, tells us that “April 20 has become an international counterculture holiday, where people gather to celebrate and consume cannabis.”

Weed Day was certainly a big deal at Berkeley. As I walked across the campus to the lecture hall where I was to speak, I crossed a vast field of pot smokers. You could get high just by walking through the crowd, and a smoky haze hung over the happy students. Of course no one showed up to riot!  more here

12 Comments on Too stoned to riot

  1. And here’s a related thought. If DJT were to announce a drive to legalize marijuana at the federal level, it sure would make a lot of the anti-Trump youth gangs STFU. It would pull the rug right out from under them, leaving them standing on a door mat. No, it would be even smaller than a door mat – they’d be trying to balance on a pot holder.

  2. Dope … it’s like … oh, man … uhhh … y’know … that feelin when like … uhhh … y’know … that shit an all … see?

    izlamo delenda est or izlamia delinquent-ist or uhh … sum other shit …

  3. “Why do we spray BZ on them, Sarge?”

    “The BZ gets them stoned as hell. They stumble around, lay down their weapons, and forget how to fight.”

    “Oh, Sarge, I get it! The we go in, collect their weapons, and take them prisoner.”

    “No, you idiot, we go in there and kill them all!”

    (adapted from an old National Lampoon story)

  4. Better yet:

    Too tear gassed to riot.
    Too concussed to riot.
    Too many broken front teeth to riot.
    Too many cracked ribs to riot.

    Feel free to add your own favorites.

  5. It’s here to stay. Accept it. I did. And I feel fine.

    To not allow its use by someone in the military is part of the bargain when you sign the dotted line. It is a ‘Double Standard’. All who sign and signed voluntarily know and knew that.

    Civilians do not fall under those regulations.
    President Trump, who does not drink alcohol, has said on the record he has many friends that use medical marijuana. He also said “It’s a Sign.”

    Accept it.

    .. 5 minutes late in the middle. 55 minutes early out East.

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