‘My Son Was Murdered by a DREAMer’ — An ‘Illegal Alien on 3rd Gun Charge’ – IOTW Report

‘My Son Was Murdered by a DREAMer’ — An ‘Illegal Alien on 3rd Gun Charge’

CNS: In response to California Senate leader Kevin de Leon (D-Los Angeles) calling the government’s threat to withhold funds from cites that don’t cooperate with immigration offices as stemming from “white supremacy,” Jamiel Shaw Sr., a black man whose son was murdered by a DREAMer, said de Leon and his supporters “always want to demean victims by calling us racist…. It’s not fair.”

Shaw, whose 17-year-old son was killed the same day the 19-year-old gang member DREAMer was released from jail, further remarked that Senator de Leon has not said “anything bad” about the illegal who killed his son and who had also battered a police officer. De Leon “wants to protect” the criminals, said Shaw, but, “What about us? Where’s my son’s sanctuary?”

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16 Comments on ‘My Son Was Murdered by a DREAMer’ — An ‘Illegal Alien on 3rd Gun Charge’

  1. Mr. Shaw, while I am deeply sorry for your loss, you and your brethren who vote demonrat election after election sold your souls to someone who doesn’t care because, after all, you’re a minority minority….and California is a Mexican province.

  2. they could give a shit less

    as san francisco was silent about kate steinle, los angeles will turn their backs and continue down the path to destruction

    it’s all about power, they have no heart or soul, no compassion

    and the lying media is complicit, has blood on their hands

  3. THe Democratic Party doesn’t care because none of these crimes effect them as they have the resources to shield them in their nice bubble. Mostly paid by taxpayers

  4. I don’t know how this particular guy voted or votes now, but I do remember when this first happened that instead of reporting about who did the murder, etc, they focused on this man’s child and tried to paint him as a gangbanger, a thug, a bigot, whatever. Shaw not only had to deal with the murder of his son, he had to defend him, too. Ain’t that some shit? Meanwhile, the murderer had been deported for being here illegally and was a thug gangbanger with weapons charges, but not a fucking peep out of the alphabet media about it.
    So you know what? Every chance I get to share his story, and others like him, I will do it.
    Illegals don’t belong in this country, I don’t give a shit what color you are and who dropped you off and why.

  5. As I remember him and his wife are still together, he has his son in athletics trying to steer him the right way. The guy doesn’t fit your stereotypical welfare collector. I have several black friends, all conservative. Of course I won’t be friends with a Lib, so there is that. But I run into a lot of people thru business and some of the white people you run into that you think for sure are conservative are not.

  6. The Jamiel Shaw Jr. incident is well known here in the LA area. Another senseless murder of a young person by an illegal. Just like Kate Steinle. Deleon (real last name Leon) is a real work of art. I refer to him has a rabid Reconquista. When he was being educated in the public school system, I mean indoctrination centers, he probably heard about the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and has been seething ever since. Thinks that this land in the southwest rightfully belongs to Mexico.

  7. TSUNAMI, That and doing the right thing as a representative of the FFL you are employed by. And abiding by your CEO. A stand up move. It is true some people should not own guns. Virtual hi five buddy. I hope the ATF stops by and shakes your hand. Fuck CalDoj.

  8. Thanks for the support.

    Seriously thinking about contacting the NRA, FPC, and the GOA to see who might want to ‘run’ with it. Maybe somehow this can be used as ammo for the 6 NRA lawsuits being filed.

    Who knows.

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