U of Missouri Journalism Prof.: Which is More Dangerous — ISIS or the NRA? – IOTW Report

U of Missouri Journalism Prof.: Which is More Dangerous — ISIS or the NRA?

This was done by ISIS

CNS: Missouri School of Journalism Professor Emeritus George Kennedy, the former managing editor of the Columbia Missourian, the school’s teaching newspaper, suggested in a recent commentary published by the Missourian that the National Rifle Association (NRA) is more dangerous to Americans than the radical jihadist Islamic State (ISIS).

In the April 20 commentary, “The NRA’s Influence is a Danger to Us All,” Professor Kennedy compared the NRA and ISIS, noting when each group was founded and claiming that while the world may fear ISIS, it is politicians who fear the NRA. He also said the NRA is far closer to attaining its goal than ISIS is to attaining its caliphate.

The NRA’s goal, Kennedy claims, is to remove “all restrictions on the possession and use of firearms just about anywhere by just about anyone.”  Kennedy neither cites nor quotes any NRA source to back up that assertion.

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These are ISIS slave girls

This is not a slave girl

17 Comments on U of Missouri Journalism Prof.: Which is More Dangerous — ISIS or the NRA?

  1. Wow. Comparing ISIS to the NRA.

    I would wager that this “esteemed” journalism (LOL) “scholar” also believes Christianity to be a greater threat than Islam.

    How do you argue with idiots? Ask tucker Carlson.

  2. George Kennedy is not representative of Missouri citizens or any freedom loving pro-constitution person in the US.
    He has allowed his socialistic viewpoint to misdirect, label and disregard law abiding citizens 2nd amendment right.

    An Academic Fool furthering the socialist agenda……maybe he should go to Venezuela to see how gun control and socialism works.

  3. With enrollment at an all time low and the requirement to close three dorms you would think the so call smart leaders would put on their thinking caps. NOT!!!!

    Just wait for football season. If they’re at the bottom of the SEC (again) don’t expect enrollment to bounce back.

  4. This shithead professor probably ties all murders using guns to the NRA in his mind but I’m willing to bet a solid nickel that not one of the Chicago murderers this year and last, for example, are NRA members.

  5. Hey George, what’s say we mosey over to Shitcago and ask survivors how they feel about being denied their Constitutionally guaranteed right to bear arms? Maybe we should ask how they feel about being shot up by Obama’s sons, using stolen weapons in a city where legally approved weapons are prohibited? Dumphuk. Get a real job.

  6. Let’s see…

    The NRA bribes communists to not kill them, today. And buys the communists’ loyal enforcers more bullets to kill somebody else, today, and loot their corpses. ‘Cos communists gotta’ communist.

    ISIS rounds up communists and their loyal enforcers, and stops their communisting with extreme prejudice and persevere creativity.

    I guess whoever’s not a filthy goat humpin’ muslim is the bigger danger.

  7. The ISIS murdering in the US has been taking place in gun free zones so the NRA is keeping ISIS murder rates down. This professor has absolutely zero knowledge about me and I am the NRA, Freedoms Safest Place.

  8. Ignore these shit stains for what they are and they will dry up and blow away like the chaff that they are. But give them a platform with which to rally the snowflakes and they will bring the republic to its knees.

  9. Don’t you love the way the left personalizes this venerable 3 letter acronym, representing millions of Americans, for the sole purpose of vilifying them all by vilifying what they stand for – a Constitutional right?
    I freaking hate those guys.

  10. Let’s drop this guy by parachute into Raqqa so he can conduct some “hands on”* research into this burning question

    *(That’s where ISIS savages get their “hands on” him and tear him limb from limb)

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