Analysis: Droughts, extreme weather declining or at or near record lows – IOTW Report

Analysis: Droughts, extreme weather declining or at or near record lows

Climate Depot: On Eve of DC climate march, drought drops to record lows in U.S. as nearly all extreme weather is either declining or at or near record lows (See: Climate Bullies Take to the Streets for ‘People’s Climate March’ in DC on April 29th’)

“It is not just droughts that are at or near record levels. On almost every measure of extreme weather, the data is not cooperating with the claims of the climate change campaigners. Tornadoes, floods, droughts, and hurricanes are failing to fit in with the global warming narrative.”

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8 Comments on Analysis: Droughts, extreme weather declining or at or near record lows

  1. That’s racist.
    And Sexist.
    And Homophobic.
    The Earth is in a death spiral, and the calm weather reporting is just a ruse by Flat Earthers.
    Anything not agreeing with Global Warming is by Trump supporters to dumb to grasp the nuanced data results.

  2. Remember, only by sending $15 Trillion to Al Gore over the next 10 years can we avert total world-wide disaster!

    Though I can’t send $15 Trillion to Al, I did promise I would hold my farts in a few extra seconds if that would help things out.

  3. So how come we’re experiencing record precipitation levels here in the Inland NW, Eastern Wash. and N. Idaho this year so far? We have about 3 times our normal amount of precipitation so far this year, so much so a lot of the local farmers are late in getting a lot of the springs fields planted. But what else is new, it’s happened before and it will happen again and there isn’t a darned thing we can do about it.

  4. The data and evidence keeps disagreeing the hypotheses of the global warmists, but damn the data and evidence–they double down on their narrative. Science: the construction of models and hypotheses that never can change even though new information and outcomes proves beyond a doubt that they are flawed . Dumbasses. Real scientists would throw these clowns out of academia and the so-called gov’t science agencies, but real climate scientists (e.g., Richard Lindzen MIT) are an endangered species.

  5. His poopiness, Al conundrum Gore, will need a little time to “creatively adjust” raw data to fit his hypothesis. To prove he is the anointed climate hoaxer.

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