Not Building the Wall IS a Government Shutdown – IOTW Report

Not Building the Wall IS a Government Shutdown


AnnCoulter: Fake News’ question of the week: Will Trump risk a government shutdown over the wall?

The media flip back and forth on who’s to blame for a government shutdown depending on which branch is controlled by Republicans. But the “shutdown” hypothetical in this case is a trick question.

A failure to build the wall IS a government shutdown.

Of course it would be unfortunate if schoolchildren couldn’t visit national parks and welfare checks didn’t get mailed on time. But arranging White House tours isn’t the primary function of the government.

The government’s No. 1 job is to protect the nation.

This has always been true, but it’s especially important at this moment in history, when we have drugs, gang members, diseases and terrorists pouring across our border. The failure of the government to close our border is the definition of a government shutdown.

This isn’t like other shutdowns. Democrats can’t wail about Republicans cutting Social Security or school lunches. They are willing to shut the government down because they don’t want borders.

Take that to the country!

As commander in chief, Trump doesn’t need Congress to build a wall. The Constitution charges him with defending the nation. Contrary to what you may have heard from various warmongers on TV and in Trump’s Cabinet, that means defending ourborders — not Ukraine’s borders.  MORE

2 Comments on Not Building the Wall IS a Government Shutdown

  1. Ann coulter is a stupid self serving c–bitch at times. Trump has never said that the wall is not being built, in fact he reiterates that it will be every time he is asked.
    Coulter, Cernovich and their ilk have started putting out rumors that Trump is not going to live up to promises and then when he does what he has said al along claim that they changed his mind.

    I’ve stopped listening to them, they are as bad as the left.

    If the WH and Congress is full Democrat, any shut down is the Republicans fault.

    If the WH is Democrat and Congress is split, shutdown is GOP fault.

    If the WH is Democrat and Congress is full GOP, shutdown is GOP fault.

    If the WH is GOP and Congress is full Democrat, shutdown is GOP fault.

    If the WH is GOP and Congress split – GOP at fault for Govt shutdown.

    If the WH and Congress owned by GOP, GOP really at fault for Govt Shutdown.


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