Full-Blown Leftist Insanity:The Best And Worst From The Climate March – IOTW Report

Full-Blown Leftist Insanity:The Best And Worst From The Climate March

COTR: It seems like every day there’s another march. They all supposedly have different themes, but the only clear message is this: they all hate Trump.

Anyway, it’s starting to look like all the leftists REALLY want is a parade, and the opportunity to make some Trump-hating arts and crafts, because they put more effort into their signs than anything else they’ve ever done. (eg. getting a job)

So because this is one of my very favorite things to do, let’s review do a CRAFT TIME PHOTO REVIEW, shall we?!


16 Comments on Full-Blown Leftist Insanity:The Best And Worst From The Climate March

  1. Aren’t there marches today for May Day? Geez Louise, when do they get anything else done (and I am not even talking about a job)? I guess they take their trash with them because their moms told them to take the trash out. Remember people, don’t forget the glitter glue and keep on looking foolish.

  2. I love how all of those racially diverse fists were being held up only by white people. I can’t help but wonder if there is some kind of hilariously unintended symbolism in that. Progressives make my chuckle.

  3. I’m not dead yet but I’m already rolling over in my grave because of these stupid kids and their parents. Protest? Go take a test first and we will see if you passed anything that is normal…

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