Hungary’s new border wall is working spectacularly well – IOTW Report

Hungary’s new border wall is working spectacularly well

American Thinker:  

Nearly everyone (except for the victorious coalition that elected President Trump) agrees that a border wall will not work in stopping illegal entry to our country.  But an empirical experiment has just been conducted in Hungary.  So whom are we going to believe?  The “experts” or the data?

Here is the data, courtesy of Jacob Bojesson of the Daily Caller News Foundation:

Hungary’s second border fence has just been completed in the southern town of Asotthalom. The 96-mile long, 14 ft. tall double-line of defense doesn’t look too intimidating from a distance. Go a little closer and you’ll notice several layers of razor-wire capable of delivering electric shocks, cameras, heat sensors and loud speakers ready to tell migrants they’re about to break Hungarian law if they as much as touch the fence.

Add a few hundred military officers and “border hunters” and it’s virtually impossible to break.

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17 Comments on Hungary’s new border wall is working spectacularly well

  1. Yeah but, they didn’t have a paul ryan and his RINOs to contend with. Can’t remember who brought it up, “start a go fund me page”, piss on Ryan the obstructionist.

    The spineless republicans are so used to bending over for everything Obama wanted, they forgot how to stand up for a real leader.

  2. Know what’s even better than a border wall? Cleaning up the sugar that attracts ants in the first place. No sugar, no ants. Not opposed to the wall here, however.

  3. ^ What Bman said.
    For the record, I never said the wall would not work.
    I believe it will be largely symbolic, and will not address the root causes of illegal immigration: benefits and “sanctuary”.
    As we have seen recently, border crossings have declined significantly without the wall.
    And what about the millions of illegals already here?

  4. Big business needs cheap labor and they don’t care about the Mexican gang killings and the child rapist and all, so long as you don’t fuuk with the cheap ass labor.

  5. @Bman. Like your sugar/ant analogy. Get rid of government incentives; food, housing, medical care, schooling, plus punish employers of illegals and there is no reason to stay here. No sugar strategy works just as well as a physical barrier.

    Problem is easy to fix.

  6. Anybody in the crime prevention field knows about “target hardening”: make your place harder to get into (stronger locks, good lighting, fences, alarms, etc) and the crooks will go to an easier target.

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