California: ICE and CIS Rep compares what it was like to work under Obama and now Trump – IOTW Report

California: ICE and CIS Rep compares what it was like to work under Obama and now Trump

KFI: Today we had the chance to talk to a Union representative, who spoke to us on behalf of ICE and CIS (Citizenship and Immigration Service).

He went by the name “Ed,” and told is what it’s like for ICE employees in Southern California and how they perform their job.

He gave us his opinion of California’s nutty priorities and also told us how the job has changed since Obama left office and Trump took over.

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6 Comments on California: ICE and CIS Rep compares what it was like to work under Obama and now Trump

  1. I watched John Kelly’s presser at the WH yesterday. Brief, concise, hard-hitting. He’s a man on a mission. In some ways I think the job is almost too easy for him, and that’s because he’s got a boss who treats him like the professional he is.

    (And if you haven’t yet seen Mick Mulvaney’s presser — he followed Kelly — it is, as they say, “Must See Tee Vee.”)

  2. Unbelievable that some CA counties are not allowing pedophiles to be deported. And the rest of the state wants to do the same! Creeps! Sounds like victims need to start suing the counties.

  3. There was a time when illegals were shielded for fear that if they were deported back to their nation they would be executed.

    Now we fear being murdered because of the unwillingness of our government to deport dangerous criminals.

    It should have never gotten like this, but this is the outcome of implanting liberal policy.

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