Chicago: Missing 16-month-old girl found dead under filthy couch – IOTW Report

Chicago: Missing 16-month-old girl found dead under filthy couch

The department investigators saw “no obvious hazards or safety concerns” for Semaj and her two brothers.

(Will County Land Use Department)



A very sad story out of Chicago, where a missing 16-month-old girl was found dead in a hoarder house.

Semaj Crosby’s body was discovered under a disgusting couch about 30 hours after she disappeared following a visit from Family Services.

Newly released photos from the Will County Land Use Department show just how filthy and dangerous the living conditions were in the now condemned house:

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9 Comments on Chicago: Missing 16-month-old girl found dead under filthy couch

  1. This happened less than 10 miles from here, far from Chitcago, but this scum likely migrated from Chitcago when they tore down all the housing. I personally know the landlord of the house, all 15 or so people living there were squatters.

    They led the community on for nearly 2 days, searching for their baby. All along it was in the house, the mother lawyered up and finally negotiated allowing LE to search the home. They cut a hole in the couch, slipped the baby inside and sat on the couch while LE searched the home and found nothing. However the FBI then ran a search and found the baby in the couch.

    The information has since dried up. The mother’s friends were on the community discussion boards defending her. The sheriff has quit doing press releases. I’m certain nobody in the home dintdoonuffin, it’s typical for around here.

  2. Brown Eyed Girl, not only will none of the gvmt. workers not be charged for complicity or negligence, they won’t even be disciplined; forget firing them.

  3. old_oaks — Was the baby dead before they hid her in the sofa? If yes, then in other words it doesn’t matter that it was a hoarder’s house, but it does matter that the baby girl was neglected/tortured/killed and then hidden. That seems to be the story, not that the girl got “lost” among the hoard. Do I have this right?

    How awful.

  4. Yes AA, it appears the kid died, then they waited 2 hours before calling the police to say the kid went missing. The initial autopsy findings didn’t show any sign of physical injury and toxicology is taking a bit longer, so it isn’t as if a dresser fell on her. My guess is that the kid ingested something that was in the house. Maybe it was roach poison, but then again maybe it was a crack rock. The mother and other inhabitants of the house certainly didn’t play the part of an accidental poisoning of household chemicals. They sat on the couch with the dead baby while the cops searched the house which clearly indicates they were hoping the cops would continue searching outside of the house for a missing kid.

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