Comey on Clinton: Concealing in my view would have been catastrophic – IOTW Report

Comey on Clinton: Concealing in my view would have been catastrophic

FBI Director James Comey discusses why he reopened the Hillary Clinton probe.

8 Comments on Comey on Clinton: Concealing in my view would have been catastrophic

  1. TRUTH.
    FakeNews = Ignorance of the Law is no excuse.
    FACT = Ignorance of the Law is a legal Clinton defense.

    This was Testified under Oath to OUR United States Senate by the FBI Director of the United States.

  2. Another Swamp Chameleon.
    Allow him to announce that Hilary & Company were spared prosecution only because of Obama/Lynch’s illegal interference with the FBI’s independence.
    And that anyone less protected by tentacles of illegal corruption would have been charged with Conspiracy/Treason years ago.

    He can claim the continuing investigations have “only now” finally been free to unearth overwhelming evidence of guilt.

    Then, lock her up. This gang of arrogant cowardly plotters will sing like canaries from hell once that first cell door slams.
    Lock them all up. God guard this Republic.

  3. Comey sent a private letter to the Chair and rankings, and the leak took place there.
    He never made a public announcement.
    Did anyone else hear Feinstein groan when Comey said that?

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