Oregon: Antifa mugshots released – IOTW Report

Oregon: Antifa mugshots released


Aren’t they pretty? No wonder they wear masks.

…Is that Kenny G? Second row, right.

35 Comments on Oregon: Antifa mugshots released

  1. There were three men came out of the web
    Progg whores’ sons for to try
    And these three men made a solemn oath
    John Antifa must fry

    (That will be a tough one)

  2. Yup, I would avoid every last one of these dips were I to run across them. It’s a defense mechanism I have, like being around black people. Don’t stick around to even hear the story, I know it’s going to suck.

  3. RickeyG, Hope you’re healing quickly. My MC accident gave me my first broken bone 1 1/2 years ago. The fibula – right above the ankle. Took a full year for it to not hinder my day at some point. I’m very blessed. The witnesses assumed I couldn’t have possibly lived through it and much good came out of it. I’m not small and a car went completely over me.

    Glad to see you made it past the event. Some healing prayers coming your way.

  4. Thanks Dadof4, I have 8 broken ribs so healing is gonna take some time. Was in the hospital for a week, and I’ve been in a rehab facility 6 days now, hoping to go home this weekend.

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