What’s next? Trans-Man-Elf-and stuff. – IOTW Report

What’s next? Trans-Man-Elf-and stuff.

‘I want to have my ears cut to become pointy like an elves, my jaw to look more sharp like a diamond, a face-lift and an eye-lift to give my eyes a cat-like shape.

‘I am also consider having muscle implants too.

‘There’s also a surgery to make you taller and I will remove four of my ribs too, so that I can shape my waist to make it thinner.’

Story here

19 Comments on What’s next? Trans-Man-Elf-and stuff.

  1. People who do this type of modification are sad.
    I wish the people who perform this stuff would ask for a mental evaluation.
    Maybe the “doctor” and the patient should both be evaluated. ugh.

  2. “I am also consider having muscle implants too.”

    ha ha ha, what ever you do, don’t lift any weights to increase your muscle mass.

    do chicks dig this sort of thing ?
    I mean is he going to get laid for all this sculpting ?

  3. If rachael can be black, bruce be a woman, bergdahl served honorably, hillary was beat by the Russians, ryan says he’s a conservative republican, Obamacare replacement is the same as repeal and comey has honor and integrity……..then this guy obviously is an elf.

  4. We’re becoming desperately psychotic.

    I was at the National Zoo one time and the people were watching the chimps watch the people – I was standing to one side watching the people watching the chimps watch the people – and the whole thing struck me as hilarious. Hard to explain, but there it is.

    We seem to be in a similar situation – not analogous, of course – but similar.
    People watching the freaks watching the people – all through the lens of the media.
    One has to wonder. Who are the more freakish? The freaks or the people who watch the freaks?
    Strange. Sort of like deja vu, all over again.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “We are living in a time that you can be whatever you want to be. Is this a great world or what? ”

    Yes! I am now calling myself and living as iotw PayPal. Click to donate, please and thank you. 😉

  6. The doctors and surgeons are in this fur the bucks.
    But what a gamble. Don’t they realize that it’s a matter of time before the nation’s top Tory Lawyers find enough sufficiently sympathetic ex-surgical patients to file, and win, the Mother Of All Malpractice Suits?
    Class actions into the $$$Billions. Liability will include the hospitals and other deep pocket participants.

  7. I hate Apple Autocorrect.
    “For” not “fur”.
    ” nation’s top Tort lawyers”.

    And yes, these doctors should be ashamed of preying on the mentally ill.

  8. I am fine with someone surgically disfiguring himself provided he pays for it out of pocket and does not demand the Nanny State to tax us to pay for his folly.

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