Female teacher nabbed for having sex with student. But, wait! There’s more. – IOTW Report

Female teacher nabbed for having sex with student. But, wait! There’s more.

Police in Indianapolis have arrested a former high school teacher on multiple charges including providing drugs for a 17-year-old student, having sex with the student, as well as giving a gun to a second teenage student who she knew was planning on committing crimes.    Story here

20 Comments on Female teacher nabbed for having sex with student. But, wait! There’s more.

  1. I heard one time that in recent years, getting a teacher’s degree has become the easiest degree to earn. Since we have to let in unqualified people to colleges to prove our diversity, many of those unqualified students end up in teaching because it is the only degree they have any hope of getting. Could that be why we are having this epidemic of teacher issues? I’d love to hear the IOW folks weigh in.

  2. Do Public-school teachers really need to do anything more than give the kids the school’s pre-printed lessons?

    I doubt there is a requirement that they understand them themselves.

    If today’s public teachers can catch a mistake in a textbook and correct it correctly, I’ll be surprised these days.

    Even in the 80s and 90s I sent my kids back to school with challenges to the teachers lessons. The first time, the kids had trepidations. After a few times of the teacher having to correct lessons, they grinned when I handed them the correction and asked them to give it to the teacher.

  3. NCO77,
    “Education” is THE Academic ghetto. Has been since the 70s (and most likely prior to that).
    Dumber bunch of dummies than “Climatology,” “Sociology,” “Women’s Studies,” “Negro (Black) Studies,” “Queer Studies,” and “Art Appreciation.”
    But they have a Hell of a Union and extort $Billions.
    The schools are broken up into sections, so that by the time the parents are sufficiently pissed, and sufficiently obstructed, the kid has moved on to some other dirt-bag mal-educational “school.”

    Public sector Unions are anti-American and the AFT and NEA are, probably, the more abusive of the lot. Certainly the most harmful. They are destroying America’s youth, and getting away with it – for nigh on 100 years.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Cato My wife has taught for 24 years at a Christian high school grades 6-12. The last 3 yrs the school has had to expand and hire more teachers. This month has seen a record amount of pre-registrations. People are abandoning this reeking public school system for a Bible based curriculum and a safe environment. They have to drive their kiddies 5 miles beyond the city limits to attend. That is commitment

  5. Nice to know 78% of my property tax goes to schools who pay teachers to sexual prey on impressionable minds.

    I mean, it’s not like there would be a better use for the money anyways, other than perhaps just outright denote “school” with an asterisks *

    * For socialist progressive communists

  6. NCO77, when I was in college, I spent one semester in the school of education and then I ran away from it as fast as I could. So many marginal students, so much stupidity. In one class, I sat next to a big football player who told me, “Coach said to go into education because I had the best chance of passing these classes — they are the easiest.” All I could think was, “Great. Someday you’ll probably be teaching my kids.”

    As luck would have it, we were able to go private and faith-based when it came to educating our kids. But I’m sure that idiot is out there somewhere, teaching our future leaders. Yipee.

  7. Even when I was in college, many years ago, the saying was that anyone who flunked out of Engineering went to the Business school. Anyone who flunked out of Business went to the Ed school. So moron teachers are not a new phenomenon.

  8. I personally know female teachers, 2 teach grade/middle school, one teaches high school. 1 is a heavily unionized mother of 4 and she controls the family unit, her husband (my friend) is a total cuck. 1 is a typical mother of 1, just doing something to pass the time. 1 has no kids, is a bit older and smokes pot continuously. The one that’s heavily reliant on the union always praises the government and its control of her profession, the other two rag constantly about the government interfering with their jobs.

  9. The teaching of one generation will become the philosophy of the next. Some one great once said something like that, now let me see, who could that be?
    NEA – Teaching the next generation of communists for 40+ years.
    I wonder where we’ll be in 2027? Gee, how could we ever think so far ahead?

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