Huma Abedin Forwarded Classified Clinton Emails To Husband Anthony Weiner – IOTW Report

Huma Abedin Forwarded Classified Clinton Emails To Husband Anthony Weiner

 American Lookout: FBI Director James Comey just dropped a bombshell during testimony before congress. Hillary’s most trusted aide Huma Abedin forwarded possibly thousands of Hillary’s emails containing classified information to her husband Anthony Weiner.

The Washington Post reports:

Comey says classified Clinton emails were forwarded to Anthony Weiner

Hillary Clinton emails containing classified information were forwarded to former congressman Anthony Weiner, the director of the FBI testified Wednesday as he defended his handling of politically sensitive probes surrounding the last year’s presidential race.

Under questioning from the senior Democrat on the committee, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), James B. Comey revealed more details about how Clinton’s emails ended up on Weiner’s computer. 


9 Comments on Huma Abedin Forwarded Classified Clinton Emails To Husband Anthony Weiner

  1. And why aren’t they in jail yet? I wouldn’t get this hands-off treatment if I cheated the tax man, but these people send national secrets via unsecured emails to unvetted people and nothing happens but talk? What a joke.

  2. Now. why would she do that?
    Printing? Convenience, as Comey said? Bullsh*t.
    Simple answer – She was collecting evidence for the day she’s thrown under the bus.

  3. Open and shut. The forwarding of classified material alone, regardless of “intent”, is a Federal felony. No matter why you did it, no matter what you claim that you did/did not “intend” to do with it.
    Sessions ‘ DoJ can prosecute and convict Abedin and Weiner on this alone.
    They’ll sing like John McCain. Podesta, Lynch, Holder, Obama, HRC.

    Let the arrests begin.

  4. Comey said no indictment because FBI could not establish “criminal intent”; “they didn’t know it was wrong” despite no such requirement in the law. The one idea that conservatives and progressives can agree on: Comey has got to go.

  5. I don’t even get a reactive sense of outrage any more when I read this stuff because I know nothing will happen. This group will never face any serious repercussions and I don’t know why. So today, I’m going to worry about something I have control over, like how in the hell we could get that much unusable crap jammed in the attic.

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