Dianne Feinstein Says She Has Not Seen Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion – IOTW Report

Dianne Feinstein Says She Has Not Seen Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion

DC: A top Democratic member of the Senate Intelligence Committee says she has yet to see evidence of collusion between Donald Trump advisers and the Russian government.

“Do you have evidence that there was in fact collusion between Trump associates and Russia during the campaign?” CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked California Sen. Dianne Feinstein during an interview on Wednesday.

“Not at this time,” she responded.

“Well, that’s a pretty precise answer,” Blitzer said.

12 Comments on Dianne Feinstein Says She Has Not Seen Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion

  1. Hmph. “Not at this time” is anything but precise. If she loaned the evidence to somebody else then she doesn’t have the evidence “at this time.”

    If that moron Blitzer had asked her, “Have you ever seen evidence of collusion, etc.” and she replied, “No. Never.” then that would be pretty precise.

  2. There’s no evidence for her to see.
    Assange has said, from day one, the Russians were NOT his source for DNC nor Podesta.
    Podesta’s password was “password”. As has been said, he could have been hacked by any bored 8th grader.

  3. Ask her about Clinton-Russia collusion.

    No need to ask her about Obama-Russian collusion. That message has already been transmitted to Vladimir.

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