Latest Most Deadly Drug Mixing Trend Is Called ‘Gray Death’ – IOTW Report

Latest Most Deadly Drug Mixing Trend Is Called ‘Gray Death’

DC: A mixture of heroin, potent painkillers and elephant tranquilizers are being cut together to create “gray death,” a lethal combination of opioids sweeping through states plagued by addiction.

Investigators are finding samples of the fatal blend in Alabama, Georgia and Ohio, and the cocktail is described as looking like a concrete mix with varying consistencies. Officials in Georgia said they’ve had 50 overdose cases involving gray death over the past three months centered around Atlanta. While coroners in Ohio report a steady increase in gray death overdose cases since the year began, the Associated Press reported Thursday.  read more

14 Comments on Latest Most Deadly Drug Mixing Trend Is Called ‘Gray Death’

  1. The borders have been wide open for the last 8 years because of the first boy…

    Any wonder high grade cheap heroin is available nation wide?

  2. Parents, keep your kids safe by teaching them drugs are wrong/bad. Can’t tell you how much heartache I’ve witnessed. One friend’s 19-year-old had a heart attack from cocaine laced with Carfentanil. The boy had no idea it was mixed into the cocaine. He’s still alive, thank God, but his college sports career (along with his scholarship) is gone due to heart damage. Another friend’s kid died just a couple of weeks ago due to opioid overdose. Don’t try to be the “cool” parent by tolerating alcohol/pot use. And for goodness sake, don’t be one of those stupid parents who thinks it is cool to smoke weed with your kids. If you show them that weed is ok with you, they will think nothing of trying the next thing someone passes to them. Time to put away the weed and behave like a grown up in front of your kids.
    1 Corinthians 13:11

  3. “A mixture of heroin, potent painkillers and elephant tranquilizers”?

    I have this image of the drug cartels R&D sitting around a table in lab coats and goggles and one R&D guys says “A mixture of heroin, potent painkillers and elephant tranquilizers are you F’n insane? Who would try that? It looks like goddamn concrete!”

    Then another R&D guy say: lets get Mikey, hell shoot anything. Then all the R&D guys say: Yah, lets get Mikey.

    Enter strung out junkie, looks at the concoction that resembles concrete, does the ritual of flame, spoon and then shoots up all while the R&D guys are looking to see the results. Mikey falls to the ground with a blissful smile on his face.

    the Head R&D guy gets on the phone to call El Chapo

    Head R&D guy:Boss, looks like we hit another mother load. Mikey said, and I quote “best shit ever” before he passed out.
    El Chapo: I love you guys. What are we going to call it?

    Head R&D guy notices that the rest of the R&D guys are working to save Mikey’s life because Mikey just O.D.

    Head R&D:gray death
    El Chapo: That’s a name with legs. Where do you guys dream this stuff up? Never mind, I don’t want to know. Just keep up the good work.

  4. Soooo … how do we get the House and Senate to eat some?
    And the Agencies: DoE, DOE, DoJ, EPA, IRS, DoT, DOT, NSA, CIA, FBI, HHS, DoC, DoA, DHS, …, &c.

    I’ll throw in a few bucks …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If someone overdoses on heroin, the paramedic can give a shot of Naloxone and maybe save your life.
    But by mixing other drugs into the mix, the dose of Nalaxone may not counteract the other lethal chemicals and the victim might die.

  6. Mixing drugs in conversation is also fatal… to your reputation.
    You folks that cannot get over your marijuana hysteria will be the death of yourselves. Hit your bottle and leave me alone.
    You are the same ones screaming against govt tyranny while chugging beer, wine and whiskey and blaming spellcheck.
    Meanwhile I will continue using an all natural remedy whose only side-effect is to illuminate who the hypocrites are.
    Guess you can see how dumb I am.

    It’s not Pot causing stupidity.
    You were born with it.

  7. Instead of trying to prevent ODs, we should consider simple putting up shooting galleries, allowing the useless junkies to off themselves, and then shuttling their rotted carcasses directly to an incinerator. I’m sick to death of junkies. If you have so little respect for your own health and safety, then don’t expect me to have any, dumbasses.

  8. The people supplying this stuff are not only evil, they’re also STUPID STUPID STUPID. Dead customers provide no cash flow, no profits, no references, no word of mouth advertising. EVIL & STUPID.

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