Texas takes another step toward ending sanctuary cities – IOTW Report

Texas takes another step toward ending sanctuary cities

Spero: The Texas Senate voted 20-11 to accept the House version of Senate Bill 4, legislation that would ban “sanctuary” jurisdictions in the Lone Star state, while allowing local police to inquire about the immigration status of people they detain lawfully. Following the Wednesday vote, the bill has been sent to Gov. Greg Abbott, who is expected to sign. He called the legislation an “emergency item” during the early days of the legislative session.

Known as the “Sanctuary Cities” bill, once Abbott signs it into law, any sheriffs, constables, police chiefs and other local leaders who refuse to cooperate with federal authorities or honor detainer requests from federal immigration authorities to hold non-citizen inmates subject to deportation, may be subject to a Class A misdemeanor. more here

10 Comments on Texas takes another step toward ending sanctuary cities

  1. A conservative gentleman asked me the other day what I thought about Donald Trump going off the rails as President. I replied that he wasn’t – Donald Trump was doing what a President is obligated to do under the Constitution. He works with Congress, he enforces the laws of this nation, he works to promote the national interest, and he tries to promote the safety and security of this country. Then I contrasted this with Obama, who refused to enforce immigration policies, diminished the stature of the United States internationally, refused to even try to work with Congress, and was the cause of more division in this country than any President I can remember.

    The point is that our national media and popular culture is promoting a narrative and image of the President which is at odds, if not diametrically opposed to the duties and obligations of the office of President and our system of government. In this instance, there are federal laws and regulations prohibiting illegal immigration, and instead of willfully ignoring and refusing to enforce these laws (i.e. Obama), Trump is doing his duty in enforcing them. He is not only doing nothing illegal, but in fact is doing what the Constitution obligates him to do.

    There is no room for a sanctuary city in the United States; the federal government occupies the field of immigration, and federal laws must be obeyed. If one does not like our immigration laws, then by all means lobby or agitate to have them changed – but sanctuary cities cannot just decide to ignore them or worse, undertake policies in direct contravention of these laws.

    Sorry for the rant, but this Texas action will probably cause controversy where none should exist but for the narrative of our national media and popular culture cock holsters like Stephen Colbert.

  2. Greg Abbott is a fantastic governor, at least so far. Taking the heat to do the right thing is rare these days. Maybe some will take his example and follow, but since most are self serving scumbags it probably won’t happen. Good for Texas!

  3. Another reason Californians are moving to Texas. Govenor Moonbeam just doesn’t get it and never will. New Name: Govenor Bullet Train to Nowhere, Slowly

  4. Seventh generation Texan I am. If illegals were Musloids, Texas would look like Beirut with 1254 miles of border with Hezbollah, and multiple Bekaah Valleys of infestation. ILLEGALS ARE A COMMUNIST WEAPON TO DESTROY THE REPUBLIC. WAKE YOUR SHIT UP!

    As Andrew said: “War.”

    Fight, Die, Never Surrender.

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