Kardashians’ TV Show Ratings Tanking, Jenner’s Book A Bust – IOTW Report

Kardashians’ TV Show Ratings Tanking, Jenner’s Book A Bust

Showbiz411: Is our long national nightmare over? The saga of the hideous Kardashian-Jenners is losing steam at last. People may finally be wearying of people who are famous for no reason.

First: Caitlyn Jenner’s book about going from Bruce Jenner, Olympic athlete to Caitlyn Jenner, trans heroine, has not rung up big sales in book stores. On amazon, “The Secrets of My Life” is stalled at number 296. The Kindle version is at 487.

Jenner’s own E! TV show “Life with Cait” was cancelled not long after it debuted.  read more

12 Comments on Kardashians’ TV Show Ratings Tanking, Jenner’s Book A Bust

  1. People may finally be wearying of people who are famous for no reason.

    Isn’t that the truth. Still a mystery to me as to why these people were ever interesting at all.

  2. You have to wonder why these untalented, ugly women are on TV. Their father illegally removed some evidence from O.J.’s house, but even that was there after a while.

  3. Ever heard of a Loss Leader?
    The Producers, Writers and Runners have.
    msNBC, CNN, NYT, WaPo all have too.
    Recognize it.
    Your First Line of Defense.
    Natural Law. Stir It Up.

    Oh, btw… ‘They’ also say…
    Health care providers are the first line of defense.

    Money Money Money

  4. I can’t even imagine how Lawyer Dad Kardashian even pitched the show concept.

    After we secure initial name recognition with a “stolen” sex tape, my talentless daughters will improvise endless soap opera spats with each other and their focus-group- selected interchangeable gangsta boyfriends. We’ll do merch rights for Bratz dolls and preteen cosmetics, apparel lines, and we’ll find some putz for a sex change.”

  5. There once was a jock named Bruce Jenner
    who when at the Olympics was quite a winner
    he then married a witch
    who made him her _itch
    and now he’s Caitlyn Jenner.

  6. The Kartrashian tribe constantly thrusting themselves into the mainstream serve to raise the general public’s tolerance of degeneracy – just a small part of the propaganda spectrum.

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