Obama really was the Spy-in-Chief – IOTW Report

Obama really was the Spy-in-Chief

Patriot Retort: Boy, Barack Obama really was the Spy-in-Chief, wasn’t he?

Circa is reporting that the Obama Administration sought NSA intel on American citizens at an alarming rate in 2016.

In fact, government officials conducted over thirty thousand searches of NSA intercept metadata last year alone.

For Pete’s sake, this should be a huge, huge story.

But it isn’t, is it?

Circa has been covering the domestic spying conducted by the the Spy-in-Chief for months now. And except for Hannity’s show on Fox News, I haven’t seen this covered anywhere.

But it’s this latest story that really takes the cake.

Check this out.

In all, government officials conducted 30,355 searches in 2016 seeking information about Americans in NSA intercept metadata, which include telephone numbers and email addresses. The activity amounted to a 27.5 percent increase over the prior year and more than triple the 9,500 such searches that occurred in 2013, the first year such data was kept.

And it wasn’t just metadata.  read more

10 Comments on Obama really was the Spy-in-Chief

  1. 0bama was the king. People loved him, he could do no wrong, so why not do anything whatsoever that he wanted to do?
    Forget about getting Rice to testify, that’s grandstanding and a waste of time. Get the people who will testify against her and throw her into prison, then repeat for the rest of them.

  2. The Pendleton civil service act of 1883 must be repealed. Then (R) administrations could do wholesale replacements of the leftist hacks dominating govt. A big part of the (D)irtbag parties appeal is their unabashed patronage system, and a big part of their power is their fanatical misuse of every position they hold.

    Imagine the perp parade we’d get if every new (R) administration put new bureaucrats throughout govt, with commands to dig up dirt and power to fire those who obstruct. The Pendleton act covers up corruption by keeping leftist crooks in positions of power.

  3. And if Hillary had won the election this would have not only continued but expanded.
    God Bless America and DJT, we were on the precipice of destruction.

  4. @joe May 6, 2017 at 1:48 am

    The Executive Orders of the twenty-first (the current) century, supersede the acts of the nineteenth-century, and allow simple droning of difficult targets. Why do you have to make things complicated. Unless making things complicated is your job description, of course?

  5. DjKimgo May 6, 2017 at 10:42 am

    Is there anyone alive who still believes that Mau Mau Obama was an upright, honest, hardworking, law-abiding, patriotic American citizen?

    You truly don’t understand how psychotic and unredeemable the left is.

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