Sandra Merritt Finally Released on Outrageous Bail – IOTW Report

Sandra Merritt Finally Released on Outrageous Bail

After 12 hours, three judges, $75,000 in bail: All because she gave Planned Parenthood a huge black eye. There is law, and then there’s abortion law.


SAN FRANCISCO – After 12 hours, three judges and $75,000 in bail, Sandra “Susan” Merritt was finally released from jail Wednesday. Merritt turned herself in to California authorities to answer the 15-count felony charges brought against her by the State of California for her undercover work in exposing Planned Parenthood’s illegal sale of aborted baby body parts.

Before Merritt was searched, handcuffed and taken away to jail, she and Horatio Mihet, Liberty Counsel’s Vice President of Legal Affairs and Chief Litigation Counsel, shared the Bible verse in Psalm 37:5-7 which says, “Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will do it. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light and your judgment as the noonday. Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.”

The State of California made it clear that it will spare no expense to convict her and put her in jail for 11 years. However, Liberty Counsel is defending Merritt and will seek dismissal of these outrageous and baseless charges. Similar criminal charges arising from the same recordings were brought against Merritt in Houston, Texas in 2016 but were eventually dismissed

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6 Comments on Sandra Merritt Finally Released on Outrageous Bail

  1. The state of California is filled with some of the most evil and Godless people in America. How much more is the Good Lord going to take? A chastisement is long overdue. Got my money on a massive earthquake and tsunami.

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