CNN’s Jake Tapper- Dems repeatedly lied to pass 0bamaCare – IOTW Report

CNN’s Jake Tapper- Dems repeatedly lied to pass 0bamaCare

NTK: CNN’s Jake Tapper noted how House Democrats repeatedly lied to the American people in their effort to pass Obamacare. Tapper made the comments in an interview with former Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY) following the successful repeal of Obamacare in the House on Thursday.

“The way that [Obamacare] was sold to the American people was in many ways mendacious,” Tapper told Israel.

Tapper then proceeded to point out all the lies that Democrats told the American people.

“They were told if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, if you like you plan you can keep your plan. That’s not true.”

Tapper then mentioned to Israel that a majority of health insurance providers have already pulled out of the Obamacare exchanges, meaning that Americans have fewer options now than before the law.  more here

16 Comments on CNN’s Jake Tapper- Dems repeatedly lied to pass 0bamaCare

  1. And the 219 votes in the house WERE HISTORIC, but the Repub’s repeal plan’s 217 votes were by the thinnest of margins along party lines…..

  2. To Jake the Fake News Crapper:
    So are you trying to tell us that you didn’t know seven years ago that democRats were lying through their rat-teeth to us, or do you just get off on dick-slapping the American people with this “revelation” that we’ve all known about since Hillary tried selling this snake oil to the villagers?

  3. Regardless of how you sign RF you are right on the complacency of the press. They walked in goose step with Obama and Pelosi when it was passed. They never questioned the intent of congress when Nancy said “you have to pass it so you can read what’s in it” or John Roberts rule on if it was a tax.

    Next Jake will be telling us breaking news that the Hindenburg exploded over Lakehurst N.J.

  4. Annon – Sorry for being cheap. (it’s all I could afford)
    I was referring to Crapper’s Performance Art on couching this as “news”, which it is not.
    But yer right, if there wuz an award for Stupid Complicity these people surely would deserve it!

  5. I find it sad that it is notable when a “news reporter” actually does some research that is damaging to Democrats and that is actually kind of supportive of the Republican viewpoint.

  6. And let’s not forget our old buddy Gruber’s comments that “Americans were stupid enough to believe anything we told them.”
    By the way, where is he these days?
    Outer Mongolia?

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