Very Few People Want Chelsea To Run For Any Office – IOTW Report

Very Few People Want Chelsea To Run For Any Office

DC: Chelsea Clinton wouldn’t have much support if she ever sought a public office, according to Morning Consult a poll released Friday.

Nearly half of the registered voters polled said they would prefer not to see Clinton run for office, according to the online survey. Only 27 percent of nearly 2,000 respondents said they would like Clinton to run, and about a quarter said they didn’t know or didn’t have an opinion.

Respondents were asked, “Would you like to see Chelsea Clinton run for political office one day, or not?”

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27 Comments on Very Few People Want Chelsea To Run For Any Office

  1. Don’t discount the free publicity, spending $20 to $30 million dollars, the voting democrat/socialist/immigrant/refugee/homeless/dead block of voters and election corruption can swing the tide.

  2. Accomplishments = Zero, besides being the Hell-Spawn of Satan.

    Wait, I can hear here campaign slogan…”A new, fresh vagina (unlike my mom)”.

  3. I wouldn’t be surprised if half those who want her to run really want her to run so that any republican running against her has a better chance of winning.

  4. Just like we like when Hillary or Waters or others just can’t keep their mouths shut, but insist on proving how awful they are to most people.

  5. @Braden Lynch May 8, 2017 at 9:30 am

    > A new, fresh vagina

    There are millions and millions of Americans who hold this as a scientific truth. And they vote. Often.

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