Put down your drinks: Obama just got the Profiles in Courage Award – IOTW Report

Put down your drinks: Obama just got the Profiles in Courage Award

Yeah, I know.  Wipe your screens.

Obama: Democrats who lost their seats for passing Obamacare did the right thing

Former President Barack Obama said Sunday that Democratic lawmakers who voted for the Affordable Care Act knowing it might cost them their seats did the right thing even if it meant the end of their political career.

Speaking at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston, where he was awarded the Profiles in Courage Award, Obama said a lot of freshman Democratic lawmakers found themselves tossed into the healthcare debate when they arrived in Washington. Though they knew voting for Obama’s healthcare bill might be unpopular back home, Obama said they felt it was the right thing to do.

Obama: Thanks for sacrificing yourselves, just for moi! Love ya!

*Eye roll*
I also read somewhere that James Taylor was there. Why do they keep inviting that poor man to disaster areas?

Read all about it HERE.

18 Comments on Put down your drinks: Obama just got the Profiles in Courage Award

  1. “Profiles in Courage Award” – SNORT!
    It has as much validity as his Nobel Peace Prize and Travon Martin’s honorary aeronautics degree.

    I cannot comment further because it will simply be a string of expletives with the occasional name of Obama inserted in it. I will celebrate his death with a toast to his demise and I might even bake a cake. What an unAmerican tool for foisting upon us that unConstitutional socialist piece of crap.

  2. They were SUPPOSED to work for the people, for the will of the people who elected them into office. I remember when the ACA was going down, it was reported that calls and messages to the Kongress Kritters were at least 5 to 1 AGAINST. And yet, Every.Single.Swinging.DildoCrat voted FOR the ACA. So, yeah, the bastards deserved to lose their seats. Fa’queem. Fa’queem all. In the ass. With a pineapple, 1 each, extra large, fronds first.

  3. Wonder what happened to the badges/emblems/pins Gaddafi used to adorn on his dress regalia?
    Has anyone looked closely at these ‘awards’ bestowed upon obama?

  4. This “award” is total proof for IOTW’s other news article today on how the Democrats are out of touch and desperate.
    Keep digging that grave, Dems…

  5. How’d ya like to be someone truly heroic, who put your life on the line, maybe even saved lives when all hope was gone, then be told you’re on the same level as a gay con artist communist pathological liar who should be locked up for treason?

  6. Friend of mine just forwarded to me the entire 1 hour 12 minutes of Obamanation going on and on about himself. I consider this video to be a visual “syrup of ipecac” and will hold onto it for when I need to puke my brains out for some reason.

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