Head of ISIS in Afghanistan Confirmed Dead – IOTW Report

Head of ISIS in Afghanistan Confirmed Dead

Conservative Treehouse:  

(Via Reuters) The head of Islamic State in Afghanistan, Abdul Hasib, was killed in an operation on April 27 conducted jointly by Afghan and U.S. Special Forces in the eastern province of Nangarhar, U.S. and Afghan officials said on Sunday.

Hasib, appointed last year after his predecessor Hafiz Saeed Khan died in a U.S. drone strike, is believed to have ordered a series of high profile attacks including one in March 8 on the main military hospital in Kabul, a statement said.

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12 Comments on Head of ISIS in Afghanistan Confirmed Dead

  1. “conducted jointly by Afghan and U.S. Special Forces”

    jointly ?

    they couldn’t leave the afghani’s back at camp because they weren’t there to keep the goats safe ?

  2. Had this happened on Barky’s watch, he would have been spiking the ball for a solid month. Since DJT is president, we have to get the news through “back channels”. Meanwhile, news of the loss of our brace fighting men is front and center in the MSM, so as to make the president look bad. After an 8-year hiatus, we can now expect the daily body-count tinker resume.

  3. I’m with PHenry. Collaterals are support groups for the enemy or they wouldn’t be there.

    Our fighting men are more important and have more to offer to a peaceful future.

    America First. Drop the MOABs and more.

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