Is a Man Competing on a Woman’s Team a Sex Offender? – IOTW Report

Is a Man Competing on a Woman’s Team a Sex Offender?

This isn’t a fight for intolerance or exclusion. It’s a fight to return reality and mental health to mainstream America

CFP: Conservatives were wrong when they said granting alternative lifestyle practitioners special rights would put the country on a slippery slope. It wasn’t a slope at all. America jumped off a cliff.

Today sexual confusion isn’t concerned with whether a young adult should remain a virgin until marriage. It’s concerned with whether a young adult should remain a member of the sex into which they were born.

The desperately confused, unhappy people that believe they “are a man trapped in a woman’s body” would simply be sad if they lived out their torment privately. Unfortunately, no one does anything in private any more. The closet is vacant.

Elite opinion makers in media, politics and law demand society participate in the delusion. Call it mass hysterectomy.

The average American is supposed to embrace the theory that a baby is destined to be a homosexual in the womb, but whether the baby is a boy or a girl can only be determined sometime after birth when the child has weighed all its options.

Americans who didn’t want to make a fuss deluded themselves into thinking that if they just avoided certain areas — San Francisco parades, dance clubs with extensive Village People playlists and trendier florists — they could live their lives in peace and let bi–genders be bygones.

That is no longer true. Making sure the kids go to the washroom before going to Target is not enough. Now the gender benders are invading sports.  read more

7 Comments on Is a Man Competing on a Woman’s Team a Sex Offender?

  1. I like the good old common sense test: “if it looks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, and has the genitalia of a duck – then its probably a goose.”

  2. The LGBQWERTY community was not “hiding” in the closet, but preparing for an all out assault on the culture – and they are winning.

    Case is point: Feminist support (liberal) women’s rights but acquiesce to mentally ill men (transgenders) when they take over women’s sports and other women exclusive roles. The true Trojan Horse, only in this case it is a gelding.
    When the Russian’s did it during the Olympics it was called cheating, now it is called inclusion.

  3. since all these marginalized groups have come out of the closet, do you think it’s time for normal people to go into the closet to get away from them ?

    it has to be empty now right ?

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