“Never, never, NEVER give up!!” Except for you, Hillary – IOTW Report

“Never, never, NEVER give up!!” Except for you, Hillary


Compared To The Threat of A Hillary Clinton, The Russians Look Like Pussycats!

A man banging on your door tells you your house is on fire. Right after that, a neighbor runs up – he’s an enemy who’s always wanted the land your house sits on – and tells you the one who warned you is a pathological liar and just wanted to disturb your peaceful Sunday. You go back to the tv, and your wife asks, “What was that all about?” You reply, “Oh, some nut was trying to tell me that our house was on fire.” As the living room fills up with smoke, your wife asks, “Well, aren’t you going to look into that?” You reply, “Oh, heck no! Fred assured me that the man is just a troublemaker.” As flames belch out of the bedroom doors just down the hall, you look at your wife and ask, “What’s for dinner?”

Parallel to the above absurd scenario and much weirder, was what happened when Hillary’s and John Podesta’s emails were made public during our last election. A veritable barge of damning revelation exposing Hillary, her campaign, her campaign director, et al – the authenticity of which was completely confirmed by even the mightiest of the most liberal news-reporting institutions – were broadcast around the world in newspapers magazines, on television and computer screens. And the brainwave response from most of her constituency to all that REVEALING TRUTH was a flatline.


The scandalous and telling ‘fire’ that Julian Assange was then pounding on our door about – what should have left all of America shocked, disillusioned and on guard – was casually extinguished by our babysitter-in-chief, silver tongued Barack Hussein Obama. He merely stepped to the microphone and declared the numbskull suggestion that, “The Russians did it.” And then such a huge portion of tv-controlled America said, “That explains it, of course!” And we were then expected to return to our recliners and our regularly scheduled programs and mumble, “The nerve of those damn Russians! What’s for dinner?”

AMERICA! Who cares who hacked or leaked them – THEY WERE VALID EMAILS THAT EXPOSED THE TRUTH.

But it’s that growing crowd of brain-dead and senselessly anarchist zombies that our current president has inherited as the most vocal and defiant portion of his governance. And regardless, in the face of that, Donald Trump is acting like a leader – the leader that we who elected him were hoping he would be. The liberal-media-trained ‘antifa’ and BLM-type clones who had expected to return to their dope and video games after Hillary was elected have now been given the job of disciplining and intimidating the America that dared to stand in the way of the hammer of political correctness that was Obama’s ‘legacy’.

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8 Comments on “Never, never, NEVER give up!!” Except for you, Hillary

  1. Trump needs to get Jared Kushner and Ivanka OUT OF HIS ADMINISTRATION. Kushner deliberately hid financial ties to George Soros. Are we so brain dead ourselves that we can’t see that is extremely problematic? They need to get the hell out of the White House.

  2. I really do not like seeing Ivanka sitting at the table. I don’t see a net value added. She seems to be pulling Trump away from my interests (ex: does she believe in this climate change malarkey)

  3. For the progressive mind set, it is not about the truth. It is about whatever excuse they can latch onto to hold steadfast to the ideology. They are emotionally invested, making it difficult to see the logical truth.

    Progressive leaders know the truth, but know how to continually provide the “excuses” to keep their followers believing.

    As they drown in their sea of ideology, they continue to receive life boats but are never rescued.

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