Canada: Brampton landlord feels ‘powerless’ after being labelled religion-based human rights violator – IOTW Report

Canada: Brampton landlord feels ‘powerless’ after being labelled religion-based human rights violator

Toronto Sun: This poor man came to Canada from Nigeria 22 years ago in hopes of building a better life for his family.

After almost a quarter century of being a law-abiding, hard-working member of society, he never imagined his adopted country would label him a human rights violator and order him to pay $12,000 in compensation to his Muslim tenants.

“I was humiliated, I was made to feel I have no rights, I was made to feel that I’m not wanted in society,” says John Alabi, 52. “I feel powerless. They rented my place for only two months. Two months! It’s just not fair,”

The small landlord came forward to explain his position after the Sun told his shocking story last week: The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario found he failed to accommodate the religious needs of Walid Madkour and Heba Ismail by not giving them more than the legal 24-hour notice before showing the apartment and by failing to remove his shoes when he entered the bedroom they used to pray.

Now the travel agent is on the hook for money he doesn’t have to pay tenants who were in his home for only two months. And he doesn’t feel he did anything wrong.

For 15 years Alabi rented the in-law suite in his home to help pay his mortgage. A tenant’s religion wasn’t important to him.

“I go beyond all that. I just see everybody as human beings like me. That’s why I took them in,” he says. “We got along. And then all of a sudden I’m a racist?”

After they gave notice in February 2015, Alabi says he bent over backwards to accommodate the Egyptian-born couple in booking acceptable times to show their apartment to prospective new tenants.

At first, Madkour tried to argue that the landlord couldn’t show the unit when his wife was home. Alabi explained that with 24 hours notice, the law gave him the authority to enter even if she was there.

They called the police, claiming that his shovelling snow outside their apartment was harassment. The officers confirmed that Alabi was legally allowed to show their unit when they were there. That’s when they suddenly raised the religion issue, he says, and told him he couldn’t enter during their prayer times. He agreed.

That still wasn’t enough, Alabi says.

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h/t Halls of Macadamia

7 Comments on Canada: Brampton landlord feels ‘powerless’ after being labelled religion-based human rights violator

  1. They’re Scum, pretending to be friends to get all they need from this guy and getting all they can on the way out. Mooslums are possibly the CHEAPEST people on the Planet…. Downright SCUMMY.

  2. This must have been a tough one for them, the HRCs are more used to going after white conservatives.

    The real story here is unaccountable, extra-legal kangaroo courts, on record as declaring the truth is no defense, have the power to really severely f*ck people over because of butt hurt.

    Hope the bureaucrats running these show trials aren’t among the first against the wall when the counter revolution comes, because that would be just awful.

  3. somehow, I don’t think that Satan-worshipping cultists (Mohammedans) can bitch about somebody not taking off their shoes when the Mohammedans use their fucking bare left hand had to wipe the shit off their assholes.

    Filthy. Mohammedan. Savages.

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