California may end ban on communists in government jobs – IOTW Report

California may end ban on communists in government jobs

Being a communist would no longer be a fireable offense for California government employees under a bill passed Monday by the state Assembly.

Lawmakers narrowly approved the bill to repeal part of a law enacted during the Red Scare of the 1940s and ’50s when fear that communists were trying to infiltrate and overthrow the U.S. government was rampant. The bill now goes to the Senate.

It would eliminate part of the law that allows public employees to be fired for being a member of the Communist Party.

Employees could still be fired for being members of organizations they know advocate for overthrowing the government by force or violence.

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h/t Rodger

12 Comments on California may end ban on communists in government jobs

  1. Too many commies in Cali Politics.
    Ain’t shit gona happen.Like Trey Goudy
    ridin’ some filthy gubment cubicle squatting
    buro-weenie’s ass. All show and no go.

  2. Rob Bonta, Born , Quezon City, Philippines, free ride to Yale. Rep of Alameda County. Let’s call it Southern San Fran, These assholes keep stepping on their dicks and not realizing whats coming.

  3. Just more fuel to the Jefferson movement. Which keeps getting stronger. Damn near every rural Sheriff has told the Governor and Legislators go pound salt on your sanctuary state. Our Sheriff is one of them. I’m not talking a few counties, the majority. No response from the state.

  4. “Employees could still be fired for being members of organizations they know advocate for overthrowing the government by force or violence.”

    Don’t most of the left-wing organizations fall under this category?

  5. I reckon the LibTard Democrat Party politicians in Sacramento realized they had to wipe the anti-Commie law off the books or else they would be forced to FIRE every single State Gummint employee.

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