ROME: ‘Refugees’ attack female news reporter, camera man on live TV – IOTW Report

ROME: ‘Refugees’ attack female news reporter, camera man on live TV

American Mirror: Viewers of Italy’s Matrix Channel 5 in Rome received a first-hand look at what it’s like dealing with the flood of “refugees” making their way through the city.

Reporter Francesca Parisella was shooting a live segment about the refugee situation from outside of Rome’s main train station last week when she was forced to run for her life as she screamed for help.

“What’s happening in a central station in Italy at night, Francesca?” a Matrix host asked Parisella in a YouTube video that translated the broadcast into English.

“Yes, Nicola. I am at the central terminal of Rome, at the side access on Via Marsala,” Parisella said. “As you can see there are already many people gathered here to spend the night … and a little while ago some volunteers passed by to deliver some hot dishes to them.

“Many of them are from Central Africa, some from the Maghreb zone, but I have to tell you, Nicola, they’re not speaking much. Almost all are staying here at the central terminal. …

“ … (T)heir hope is especially to reach Milan and other cities in the north and then move to northern Europe,” she said.

“We don’t want to disturb them further … but it’s important to know that this reception …” Parisella said, breaking off her comments as the camera jolted away.  more here

18 Comments on ROME: ‘Refugees’ attack female news reporter, camera man on live TV

  1. TaxPAYER
    The first post I think says it all:
    “Only when VIPs children are “damaged severely” by the invaders will anything happen maybe.”

  2. NATO needs to start in Norway and march south, rounding up every single piece of shit muslim and force them back to north Africa. They are nothing more than a human plague. They contribute nothing to society and are beyond redemption.

  3. When they do something really bad, like a nuke or something.
    Then there will be war on every street corner of the world.
    You Moderate Muslims better be out in front rounding up terrorists or you and your families will learn a hard lesson at the hands of those who actually built this civilization.

  4. Read their holy books. As a kafir woman she is “permitted”.

    Be outraged, but don’t be surprised. They’re being what they are and doing what they do.

  5. I work in the arts: live in DC, but our other office is in a small, remote area of central Italy, two hours north of Rome. A good perk of my job. The number of refugees in the area is staggering. Last summer I was in the car with one of the progressive owners of the company. We passed a group of refugees, some of the nastiest and dirtiest creatures imaginable and while at a stop light, the young daughter of the owner remarked, “Daddy, I’m scared. what are all those ugly, scary looking black people doing here. It looks like they are looking for some trouble” I also noticed that the big mouth “I love Islam” wife rolled up her window as we approached the stop light.

    This same guy recently told me in a meeting that he wants to change the perception of his company–he no longer wants it to be perceived as something that “only rich white people” enjoy. I reminded him of this occurrence and told him if he was hoping the refugees would keep his family legacy alive…well, good luck with that.

  6. I’ve been in that train station a few times (it’s HUGE). Just outside the street was filled with young macho Italian punks wearing black leather jackets. I can picture them coming in armed with sticks and knives and doing a number on these immigrants.

  7. Once Sharia begins to get traction, all the pretty little leftist Girl Reporter-ettes will be dismissed and told to buy a veil, find a Muslim husband and never be caught outside the apartment alone again.
    She has no clue.

    Nice train station. They’re probably already planning to turn it into a Mosque.

  8. “Hey Jim! While Uncle Ernie was explaining to me that his sticking his “thing” in me would make me smarter (and how sad it was that mommy would die from stupid if I ever told her about it), I saw a commercial in the cartoons (maybe it actually was the cartoon… don’t matter) that bears love, Love, LOVE ‘Honey Oaty Crisps’ cereal! And they TALK! Like real people talk, if you feed it to them. Grab the camera. We’re off to the woods! I’m so smaterer, now, I’m… I mean we’re… gonna’ make Kardashian bling with this video!”

  9. @Hanoverfist, probably not. Remember the German girl, Maria Ladenburger, who was raped and murdered by an Afghani muzzrat? Her father is a “top EU official” who requested donations “in support of refugees and asylum seekers” AFTER his daughter was savagely raped and murdered.

  10. So how much is a female reporter like Francesca going for in the refugee white women market? Europe seems intent on going down the cultural suicide path in the name of diversity, so some of us may as well make a buck off of it.

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