NJ Convert Planned Attempted Suicide Bombing in NY – IOTW Report

NJ Convert Planned Attempted Suicide Bombing in NY

CFL: In the latest rise of lone-wolf Islamic terrorism, Gregory Lepsky, 20, of Point Pleasant, New Jersey, was investigated by authorities after he tried to stab his family’s dog to death and then carry out a suicide bombing in Manhattan, NY.

Lepsky, who now goes by the name of Allah Abdel Rochman and the dog were wounded.

While paramedics treated him, he told them he was planning to kill his mother, the Clarion Project reported on Sunday.

Clarion Project:

The dog was found alive after being stabbed with a 12- inch blade.

While in a hospital, Lepsky ranted during questioning he had pledged his allegiance to Allah and the intended to fight for the Islamic State.

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8 Comments on NJ Convert Planned Attempted Suicide Bombing in NY

  1. “he had pledged his allegiance to Allah and the intended to fight for the Islamic State”

    that reads like he is going to play for a professional sports team.

  2. I say pack the little Gino up and drop him off at the closet ISIS base. The next time we see him he’ll be starring in his own video with a co-star a rusty dull knife held at his throat. On the other hand I suppose he’s nuts so maybe a life in a padded cell doped to the gills on lithium should be his fate.

  3. If I was the paramedic, and I heard him say that he had pledged himself to the islamic state, I would have immediately stopped helping him, and gone over to help the dog.

    I hope the dog recovers.

    I hope he doesn’t.

  4. There is a Phd study in there somewhere. But it would never pass the review because there is no escaping the conclusions that the R.O.P. is not very peaceful when its teaching are applied.

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